- Find Table U – Energy Use Summary. This is usually found somewhere in the middle of the T24 PRF-1 forms.
- Take either value in the green boxes and convert it to kBtus.
- To convert MWh to kWh, multiply by 1000. To convert kWh to kBtu, multiply by 3.412.
- To convert MBtu to kBtu, multiply by 1000.
- To calculate the pEUI, divide the converted value from either green box then divide it by the building area according to this formula: pEUI = Annual Energy Consumption (KBTU)/GSF
- Some projects will have Proposed Design Site energy values in Therms (if the project uses natural gas) in addition to the Proposed Design Site energy values in MWh or kWh. In this case, the Proposed Design Site energy in Therms will need to be converted to kBtus then summed with the Proposed Design Site in MWh/kWh (after the conversion to kBtus).
- To convert Therms to kBtus, multiply by 100
- If your project has on-site energy, subtract the on-site energy value from the total Proposed Design Site energy before calculating the pEUI in step (3).