DDx Input Field | API Parameter Name | Field Type | Entry Type | Units |
Project Name | projectName | Mandatory | Text |
Project ID | projectId | Optional | Text | |
Project Category | projectCategory | Optional | Text to MATCH | |
Construction Type 1 | constructionType | Optional | Text to MATCH | |
Project Phase | projectPhase | Mandatory | Text to MATCH |
Reporting Year | reportingYear | Mandatory | Numerical, 4-digits |
Country | country | Mandatory | Text to MATCH |
State/Province | state | Mandatory 2 | Text to MATCH |
Zip/Postal Code | zipcode | Mandatory 2 | Numerical, at least 5 digits |
City | city | OptionalMandatory | Text | |
Climate Zone | climateZone | Optional | Text to MATCH | |
Use Type 1 | useType1 | Mandatory | Text to MATCH |
Use Type 1 Area | useType1Area | Mandatory | Numerical | ft 2 |
Use Type 2 | useType2 | Optional | Text to MATCH | |
Use Type 2 Area | useType2Area | Optional | Numerical | ft 2 |
Use Type 3 | useType3 | Optional | Text to MATCH | |
Use Type 3 Area | useType3Area | Optional | Numerical | ft 2 |
Use Type 4 | useType4 | Optional | Text to MATCH | |
Use Type 4 Area | useType4Area | Optional | Numerical | ft 2 |
Use Type 5 | useType5 | Optional | Text to MATCH | |
Use Type 5 Area | useType5Area | Optional | Numerical | ft 2 |
Design Energy Code | designEnergyCode | Mandatory | Text to MATCH |
Energy Modeling Tool | energyModelingTool | OptionalMandatory | Text to MATCH | |
Baseline EUI 3 | baselineEUI | Optional | Numerical | kBtu/sf/yr |
Predicted EUI | predictedEUI | Mandatory | Numerical | kBtu/sf/yr |
Lighting Power Density | lightingPowerDensity | Optional | Numerical | W/sf |
Window to Wall Ratio % | windowToWallRatio | Optional | Numerical (5-100) | % |
Renewables | renewables | Optional | Text to MATCH | |
Occupancy Sensors Included | occupancySensorsIncluded | Optional | Yes/No | |
Dayligthing Sensors Included | daylightingSensorsIncluded | Optional | Yes/No | |
Electricity Produced Off-site | electricityProducedOffSite | Optional | Numerical | kWh/yr |
Natural Gas Combusted On-Site | naturalGasCombustedOnSite | Optional | Numerical | Therms/yr |
District Steam | districtSteam | Optional | Numerical | MBtu/yr |
District Hot Water | districtHotWater | Optional | Numerical | MBtu/yr |
District Chilled Water | districtChilledWater | Optional | Numerical | MBtu/yr |
Chiller Type | chillerType | Optional | Text to MATCH | |
Diesel | diesel | Optional | Numerical | MBtu/yr |
Electricity from Renewables on-site | electricityFromRenewablesOnSite | Optional | Numerical | MBtu/yr |