You can add a course from the Submit a New Course Tile on the CE Provider Profile Page. Select "Add a Course" to create a new course for the currently selected organization:
This will launch the Add New Course modal:
8. The Course Sessions Tile enables you to add instances of a course and displays the first three sessions created. The Session Index can be accessed through this tile.
Note: Please review the Course at a Glance, About this Course and Topics Tile guides in order to complete this information. The Submit a Course guide will walk you through the process of submitting this course for review.
D. HSW Justification – The HSW Justification field will appear if credit type LU/HSW is selected. If this credit type is chosen, describe how the course content addresses Health, Safety, and Welfare topics for at least 75% of the course content. This section is only for review by the CES Administrators.
Once completed, click Save.
C. Keywords - The keywords will help prospective attendees search for this course. This field is optional. Enter the keywords for the course.
Once completed, click Save.
*Note: It takes up to 10 business days for courses to be reviewed and approved. Reverting back to Draft will restart this time period.
Once the course has been approved, the Original Course Approval and Course Expiration dates will automatically appear. The original course approval date will be when the course was initially approved by a CES Admininstrator. The course expiration date automatically calculates as three years from the original course approval date.
Possible course statuses