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Interiors-only projects are baselined against use ASHRAE 90.1 2007 lighting power density (LPD) valuesas the baseline, in units of watt/ft2 or watt/m2. LPD is the key metric for interiors-only projects because, generally, an interior design project’s ability to affect building EUI is mostly limited to lighting design. Since interiors-only projects tend to not include major modifications to HVAC systems equipment or envelope modifications, lighting power density is the criterion most applicable to interiors work. 

Selecting Interior Only as the project type in the basic information will automatically adjust the baseline to ASHRAE 90.1 2007; as with EUI, a custom baseline may be used instead.

The LPD reduction goal is currently set at 25 percent below ASHRAE 90.1 2007. This reduction earns three of five relevant points for a LEED-CI 2009 project, and it is a common threshold for commercial lighting tax deductions and financial incentives. 

Only interiors projects which include lighting design should be included in 2030 reporting. If LPD is left blank, a reduction of zero percent is assumed.


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Source: LPD max allowance per ANSI/ASHRAE/ IESNA Standard 90.1-2007 Table 9.5.1
Use TypesBaseline LPD (W/sf)Target LPD (W/sf)
25% (all years)
Bank/Financial Institution10.8
Data Center10.8
Education - College/University (campus-level)1.20.9
Education - General1.20.9
Education - K-12 School1.20.9
Food Sales - Convenience Store (w/ or w/out gas station)1.51.1
Food Sales - General1.51.1
Food Sales - Supermarket/Grocery1.51.1
Food Service - Fast Food1.51.1
Food Service - General1.51.1
Food Service - Restaurant/Cafeteria1.51.1
Health Care - Clinic10.8
Health Care - Hospital Inpatient1.20.9
Health Care - Medical Office10.8
Health Care - Nursing/Assisted Living10.8
Health Care - Outpatient - General1.20.9
Lodging - General10.8
Lodging - Hotel/Motel10.8
Lodging - Residence Hall/Dormitory10.8
Office - Small ( < 10,000 sf)10.8
Office - Medium (< 100,000 sf)10.8
Office - Large10.8
Public Assembly - Entertainment/Culture1.61.2
Public Assembly - General1.10.8
Public Assembly - Library1.31
Public Assembly - Recreation1.10.8
Public Assembly - Social/Meeting1.20.9
Public Safety - Fire/Police Station10.8
Public Safety - General10.8
Religious Worship1.31
Residential - Mobile Homes0.70.5
Residential - Multi-Family, 2 to 4 units0.70.5
Residential - Multi-Family, 5 or more units0.70.5
Residential - Single-Family Attached0.70.5
Residential - Single-Family Detached0.70.5
Residential - Mid-Rise/HIgh-Rise0.70.5
Retail - Mall1.51.1
Retail - Non-mall, Vehicle Dealerships, misc.1.51.1
Retail Store1.51.1
Service (vehicle repair/service, postal service)1.41.1
Storage - Distribution/Shipping Center0.80.6
Storage - General0.80.6
Storage - Non-refrigerated warehouse0.80.6
Storage - Refrigerated warehouse0.80.6
Warehouse - Self-storage0.80.6

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