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Video Tutorial: How to Add a Course
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How to Submit a Course
Step 1 -
Manage Courses Tile
You can add a course from the Submit a New Course Manage Courses Tile on the the CE Provider Profile Dashboard Landing Page. Select
Select the "Add a Course" button to create a new course for the currently selected organization:
This will launch the Add New Course modal:
A. Provider Organization - This field will automatically populate if you are the point of contact for only one provider organization. If you are the point of contact for multiple AIA CES Providers, select the correct AIA CES Provider from the dropdown list.
Once you have entered the new course information, you will be taken to the Course Profile Page. Each of the tiles on this page are different parts of the course submission and will indicate the fields that are yet to be completed. Tiles highlighted in red contain mandatory information you will need to complete before you can submit the course for AIA CES review. Once completed, the highlight and messaging will no longer appear, and the "Submit for Review" button will be active.
Course Management
- The Individual Header Tile contains personal account information such as your name and customer ID number. The option to renew your subscription from this tile will be available if you have an existing subscription.
- The Course Header Tile displays course information, including the Course Name and Course Number.
- The Course at a Glance Tile contains six modifiable fields: Nano Learning, Course Delivery Type, Course Level, Course Credits, Language, and Price (3A-E).
- The About this Course Tile contains four modifiable fields: Description, Prerequisite Knowledge, Learning Objectives, and the HSW Justification (4A-D).
- The Topics Tile contains information that will assist in searching for courses in the course catalog feature that will be added to the platform in the future, including Category, Sub-Category, and Keywords.
The Course Status Tile indicates all tiles that need to be completed before the course can be submitted for review by a CES Administrator.
- The Comments History Delete Course Tile allows providers to delete a course and its associated sessions. This is only possible when no attendance has been reported to the session.
The Comments History Tile contains all comments submitted during course status changes. These comments can be accessed by CES Administrators and Provider users.
Session Management
8 9. The Course Sessions Tile enables you to add instances of a course and displays the first three sessions created. The Session Index can be accessed through this tile.
Note: Please review the Course at a Glance, About this Course and Topics Tile guides in order to complete this information. The Submit a Course guide will walk you through the process of submitting this course for review.
Step 3 - Header Tiles
1) Individual Header Tile – The Individual Header Tile is located on the Course Profile Page. This tile contains personal account information such as your name and customer ID number. The option to renew your subscription from this tile will be available if you have an existing subscription.
2) Course Header Tile Header – The Course Header Tile is located on the Course Profile Page. This tile displays course information, including the Course Name and Course , Course Number, and Provider Number. To update, click on Edit and the Edit Course modal will appear.
The Provider Organization and Course Number will be disabled once a course has been created. However, you may make changes to the Course name.
Once you have made updates, click Save.
Step 4 - Course at a Glance Tile
3) Course at a Glance - The Course at a Glance tile is located on the Course Profile Page. This tile contains six modifiable fields (3A-F). To update this information, click on the ‘Edit’ button in the lower right-hand corner.
This will launch the Course at a Glance Modal.
A. Nano Learning – Nano Learning courses are 15 to 45 30 minutes in length and cover one topic in depth. Providers with a Basic subscription may only offer traditional courses of one hour or more. Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ using the radio buttons.
Step 5 - About this Course Tile
4) About this Course – The About this Course tile is located on the Course Profile Page. In order to make updates to any of the fields in the About this Course tile, click on the Edit button to launch the About this Course modal.
From this view, you can add information to any of the fields listed:
D. HSW Justification – The HSW Justification field will appear if credit type LU/HSW is selected. If this credit type is chosen, describe how the course content addresses Health, Safety, and Welfare topics for at least 75% of the course content. This section is only for review by the CES Administrators.
Once completed, click Save.
Step 6 - Topics Tile
5) Topics - The Topics tile is located on the Course profile page. The information on the Topics tile will assist in searching for courses in the course catalog feature that will be added to the platform in the future. To add a category and/or subcategory, click on the Edit button.
A. Category - Select a category from the drop-down menu.
Step 7 - Course Status Tile
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This course status change interface has gotten changed to be more user friendly. The wiki page will be updated soon. |
Once you have completed all
Once you have completed all the required fields, you can submit the course for review through the Manage Course Status Tile.
6) Manage Course Status – The Manage Course Status tile is located on the Course Profile Page. This tile will indicate all tiles that need to be completed before the course can be submitted for review by a CES Administrator. The corresponding tiles will be highlighted in red.
Updates to the information on the About this Course, Course at a Glance or Topics tiles can be made by clicking on the Edit button at the bottom right hand corner of the tile. The Submit for Review Update button is disabled , and the course is considered to be in Draft status , until all the required fields are completed and there is a selection from the drop-down list.
When all tiles have been completed, the red highlighting will disappear, and the Submit for Review button will be enabled, allowing submission. Click the Submit for Review button on the Course Status tile to .
All course status changes can be made on this tile. To submit the course for review, select the "Submitted/Pending Review" status from the drop-down list.
This will launch the Submit for Review modal. You have the option of entering comments for administrators to prompt the comments box to appear and the Update button to be enabled, turning the button red, and allowing submission.
You have the option of entering comments for administrators to review or leaving this field blank. Once completedcomplete, click Savethe Update button to submit the course for review.
This process will advance the course to the Submitted/Under Pending Review status. The tile will automatically update with the details of the new course status.
You can revert the course back to Draft status in order to edit any of the tiles. To do this, click the Revert to Draft button.
This action will launch the Revert to Draft modal. select the Draft option in the drop-down.
You have the option of entering comments for administrators to review. Once completed, click SaveUpdate.
This process will revert the course back to the Draft status. While in Draft status, any necessary updates or revisions can be made, and the course can be resubmitted.
Once the course has been submitted, you will receive emailed notifications of status changes after submission. The sender name will be AIA Continuing Education with email address: The title of the email will read: Your AIA CES Course is:
Once the course has been approved, the Original Course Approval and Course Expiration dates will automatically appear.
The original course approval date is the date in which the course was initially approved by a CES Admininstrator. The course expiration date automatically calculates to three years after the original course approval date. Upon expiration, the course will still be searchable on the CES Dashboard, but it will not be available for registration.
This course is Denied.
AIA CES reviewers have determined that the course does not meet the AIA CES standards for AIA CES credit. This course cannot be offered for AIA CES credit. Please contact for additional information.
This course is Suspended.
The course cannot be offered for AIA CES credit pending resolution of the issues that led to its suspension. Please contact additional information.
This course is Retired.
The course has either expired or been voluntarily retired. Retired courses cannot be offered for AIA CES credit.
Please contact for additional information.
This course is Expired.
The course has expired and is no longer active. Expired courses cannot be offered for AIA CES credit. If you wish to continue offering this course, resubmit it as a new course for review.
Please contact for additional information.
*Currently not available for provider use.
How to
Coming Soon...
Comments History Tile
7) Comments History - The Comments History tile is located on the Course Profile Page. Comments can only be added during course status changes. They can be accessed by CES Administrators and Provider users. All comments can be viewed by clicking on the View all Comments button within the Comments History tile.
This will launch the Course Status Log, a view of multiple course status changes accompanied by their corresponding comments. The Date and Time the comment was submitted, the User who submitted the comment and the Status to which the comment was updated are displayed in their respective columns.
To view the actual comment submitted, click on View Comment under the Action column. Multiple comments can be open simultaneously. To close a comment, click on Hide comment.
How to View Courses: Course Index
To view a course, you can utilize the Manage My Courses Tile on the CE Provider Profile Page. Click on Manage My Courses to view the Course Index.
The Course Index displays the full list of courses a provider offers and allows you to filter the information in ascending or descending alphanumeric order by: Course Number, Course Name, Credits (credit amount and type), Last Updated (date and time), or Status.
The course search functionality allows you to search for your courses by using exact phrasing with at least three or more characters, not to include special characters (i.e. "-", "+", "."). The search results will be displayed with up to 50 courses on each page based upon the presence of all the search terms in the course name and course number, respectively. If the search does not find a match according to your search term(s), it will yield the response of "No results found".
The search is filterable by Status. By default, the course search filter does not include expired courses.
You can search for expired courses by selecting the Expired check box in the status filter drop-down list.
To view more courses, click on View More at the bottom of the index to view 50 additional courses. To view the Course Profile Page for an individual course, click on the hyperlinked Course Number or Course Name.
If your Provider organization does not currently offer courses, the message "No Courses Found" will appear on the CE Provider Profile Page.
Retire a Course
When a course is no longer offered, it can be retired to allow for a more accurate course catalog, and manageable course index, for providers. Retired courses do not appear in the course catalog, but can be searched in the course index by filter. Courses can only be retired from the "Approved" course status, and can only be reverted to another status by a CES Administrator.
To retire a course, you can utilize the Course Status Tile on the Course Profile Page.
Select the "Retire" status from the drop-down list.
This will prompt the comments box to appear and the Update button to be enabled, turning the button red, and allowing the update. You have the option of entering comments or leaving this field blank. Once complete, click the Update button to retire the course.
This process will prompt the Retire Course modal. The modal will prompt you to confirm the retirement request.
If you select "Yes", the modal will close. The course will be updated to the Retire status, and you will be directed back to the Course Profile Page.
If you select "No", the retirement request will be cancelled. The modal will close, and you will be directed back to the Course Profile page.
Once the status has been updated, the Course Status tile will automatically update with the details of the Retire course status.
After being retired, the course will no longer be available to:
- Offer through course catalog
- Transition to a different status by providers (including the Active status)
- Add new sessions or edit existing sessions and/or course information
Providers will be emailed the status update once completed. To update the course after being in the Retire status, contact the CES Department at
How to Delete a Course
Delete Course Tile
Courses without any reported attendance can be deleted from the system, regardless of status. While the course has no reported attendance, the Delete Course tile will be enabled on the page. Once attendance has been reported for the course, the tile will be disabled.
7) Delete Course - The Delete Course Tile is located on the Course Profile Page. To delete a course, click on the Delete Course Tile.
This will launch the Delete Course modal to appear. The modal will prompt you to confirm the course deletion.
If you select yes, the course will be deleted from the database, along with the related sessions. The modal will close, and you will be directed to the Course Index page.
If you select no, the deletion request will be cancelled. The modal will close, and you will be directed back to the Course Profile page.
How to Bulk Upload Courses
Coming Soon...
Comments History Tile
8) Comments History - The Comments History tile is located on the Course Profile Page. Comments can only be added during course status changes. They can be accessed by CES Administrators and Provider users. All comments can be viewed by clicking on the View all Comments button within the Comments History tile.
This will launch the Course Status Log, a view of multiple course status changes accompanied by their corresponding comments. The Date and Time the comment was submitted, the User who submitted the comment and the Status to which the comment was updated are displayed in their respective columns.
To view the actual comment submitted, click on View Comment under the Action column. Multiple comments can be open simultaneously. To close a comment, click on Hide comment.
How to View Courses: Course Index
To view a course, you can utilize the Manage Courses Tile on the CE Provider Dashboard Landing Page. Click on Manage My Courses button to view the Course Index.
The Course Index displays the full list of courses a provider offers and allows you to sort the information in ascending or descending alphanumeric order by: Course Number, Course Name, Delivery Type, Credits (credit amount and type), Last Updated (date and time), or Status.
[Note: The course index also lists the Provider Number as the first column.]
The course search functionality allows you to search for your courses by using exact phrasing with at least three or more characters, not to include special characters (i.e. "-", "+", "."). The search results will be displayed with up to 50 courses on each page based upon the presence of all the search terms in the course name and course number, respectively. If the search does not find a match according to your search term(s), it will yield the response of "No results found".
The search is filterable by Status. By default, the course search filter does not include expired nor retired courses. You can add these features to the search by selecting the Expired and/or Retired check box(es) in the status filter drop-down list.
To view more courses, utilize the pagination at the bottom of the page. Click on the numbers to scroll through the pages of data or click on the arrows on the ends to view the first and/or last page of the search results. All pages will display a maximum of 50 courses per page.
If your Provider organization does not currently offer courses, the message "No Courses Found" will appear on the CE Provider Dashboard Landing Page.
If you need to add a course, return to the CE Provider Dashboard Landing Page and Select Submit a Course.
How to Download Course Report
An export of courses can be downloaded directly from the Course Index or the CES Provider Dashboard Landing Page.
Download Course Report from Course Index
Once you have searched for a specific selection of courses on the Course Index, the current listing of courses can be exported.
To download the full course report, click on the Download Report button at the top right-hand corner of the Course Index.
This will launch a comma-separated values file (*csv) to download on your browser screen. The csv file of the specified course search criteria will then populate at the bottom of the page. The file name will be formatted to include the provider number and date.
For example, if the provider number is "J215," then the file would download with the file name: "Course_Report_J215_Feb01_2020."
Once you click on the downloaded file link, a comma-separated values file (*.csv) will display with the list of searched courses:
The course report will have columns that list the detailed course information consisting of: Course Number, Course Name, Course Delivery Type, Number of Credits, Credit Type, Description, Learning Objective 1, Learning Objective 2, Learning Objective 3, Learning Objective 4, Category, Sub-Category, Course Status, Original Approval Date, and Expiration Date for each course.
The Download Report button will be disabled if there are no courses found in the search.
Download Course Report from CE Provider Dashboard Landing Page
To download a report of all the courses of a specific provider, select the provider from the Organization HeaderTile on the CE Provider Dashboard Landing Page. This setting is defaulted for providers managing one organization.
When managing multiple provider organizations, click the Select a Different Provider Organization button.
This will launch the Provider Information modal. Select the intended provider from the dropdown options. Click Save.
Once the provider is selected, click on the Download Courses button from the Manage Courses tile.
This will launch a comma-separated values file (*csv) to download on your browser screen. The file name will be formatted to include the provider number and date.
For example, if the provider number is "10100109" and the date was "09-01-2022," then the file would download with the file name: "Full_Course_Report_10100109_09-01-2022."
Once you click on the downloaded file link, a comma-separated values file (*.csv) will open with all listed courses from the selected provider.
The course report will have columns that list the detailed course information consisting of: Course Number, Course Name, Course Delivery Type, Number of Credits, Credit Type, Description, Learning Objective 1, Learning Objective 2, Learning Objective 3, Learning Objective 4, Category, Sub-Category, Course Status, Original Approval Date, and Expiration Date for each course.
If you click on the Download Course Report button and no courses have been created, then the report will appear with only the headers.
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Long term Providers may notice some blank descriptions in the Learning Objectives columns as some data may not have migrated over from an older system. |