The AIA 2030 DDx Automated Programming Interface (API) gives users the ability to import a set of project data fields directly from an energy modeling tool. The energy modeling tool import feature allows a project team member to add or update a project that has been modeled in an energy modeling tool to the firm’s account in the DDx database. Administrators must provide access by generating a user key in the “My Account” section.
These energy modeling tools can import directly import project data into the DDx:
Note that only administrators can submit a project (through the Portfolio screen) after it has been created or modified through an energy modeling tool. Further information about how this connection works can be found in the 2030 API Implementation Guide below. This guide describes technical details for modeling tool developers to connect software programs to the DDx.
2030 API Implementation Guide
Welcome to the American Institute of Architects (AIA) 2030 Design Data Exchange (DDx) API. This guide outlines the steps to get you in motion and the relevant links to additional detail. The ability to import project data from an energy modeling tool is the first feature being exposed in the DDx API. The intent is to expand the data integration capabilities of the DDx through the API over time.
The energy modeling tool import feature allows a project that has been created in an energy modeling tool by the architecture firm and/or project team members to be added or updated to the firm’s account in the DDx database.
The API POST process typically works in the following manner:
- Authenticate the initiating process/user
- Project parameter values to be submitted are verified
- Send project parameter values to DDX
- Response sent to the user with a Project ID and Reporting Year
- Log entry is posted on the Firm Account page in the DDx that is accessible by a firm administrator
API POST process flow:
Authenticate the user in the DDx and obtain the authentication token (auth token).
Method | URL |
POST | api/v1/authenticate/ |
Method | Parameters | TYPE |
POST | firm_key | String |
POST | user_key | String |
After successful authentication, the auth token must be sent with all client requests.
Status | Response |
200 | { "authToken": } authToken ( string ) all further API calls must have this key in header |
400 | {"error":"Please provide Firm key."} |
400 | {"error":"Please provide User key."} |
401 | {"error":"Invalid Firm key."} |
401 | {"error":"Incorrect User key."} |
500 | {"error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later."} |
Import project
Creates or updates a project in the DDx using the information passed on through the parameters. Project ID and Reporting Year are mandatory input fields for this call.
Project ID and Reporting Year will be required in order to identify the project. In case the combination of Project ID and Reporting Year does not exist in the DDx a new project will be created.
Note: When an existing project is updated on the DDx all input values for the existing project view are replaced.
Method | URL |
POST | api/v1/import_project/ |
Method | Parameters | TYPE |
POST | authToken | String |
POST | projectId | String |
POST | reportingYear | Number |
POST | Complete parameter List given in appendix | List |
Note: The authToken was generated in response to /api/v1/authenticate
Status | Response |
200 | Example responses will be shown below- For new Projects: { "projectId": “PDLTH1439157182”. "reportingYear": “2015”. "message:“Successfully Created” } For existing Projects: { "projectId": “PDLTH1439157182”. "reportingYear": “2015”. "message:“Successfully Updated” } |
400 | {"error": {message: "Invalid Value or Mandatory values are missing."} } Note: List of all error messages provided in appendix below |
401 | {"message": "Invalid Auth Token."} |
401 | {"message": "Auth Token Expired."} |
500 | {"error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later."} |
The Energy Model Import API feature currently only allows the import of project data for a single project at a time, and it will not allow a project to be deleted or removed from the firm’s account.
Intended Audience
The API documentation is primarily written for programmers familiar with Web Services programming standards such as the REST. An initial focus is increasing the number of energy modeling tools linking to the API, but 2030 Commitment firms could also leverage the API as well.
For AIA 2030 Commitment firms that are interested in learning more about the API workflows, see the 103716075 section for further information.
Energy Modeling Tools Utilizing The 2030 DDx API
Energy Model Tool Name | vendor | Link |
Autodesk Insight 360 | Autodesk | |
Sefaira Architecture | Trimble (Sefaira) | |
Sefaira Systems | Trimble (Sefaira) | |
Cove Tool | Cove.tool | |
PlanIt Impact | PlanIt Impact | |
IESVE Software | IES Ltd. | |
ClimateStudio | Solemma LLC |
The API has been developed in an OPEN format, with the intent that an increasing number of vendors and tools to utilize the API.
If you are interested in learning more about how your company or energy modeling tool can utilize the API, please send an e-mail to with the subject line of “API Interest” and a description of how you would like to utilize the API.
One thing to note is that as other tools begin to utilize the API, there are the potential for differences between energy model tools for what input fields are transferred to the API. The API contains both mandatory and optional project parameter fields, and it is at the discretion of the energy model tool provider to determine which optional project parameter fields will be included in their implementation
API Use Cases
The DDx API allows project data to be transferred from an energy modeling tool to the DDx directly to either create a new project or update a previous project. The project import will only work on energy modeling tools that have enabled the DDx API. Potential use cases include, but are not limited to:
- Within the member firm: A staff member of a firm with a DDx account can use the Firm Key, obtained from a firm administrator, and their User Key to create or update a single project from an energy modeling tool that has enabled the DDx API.
- Outside of the member firm: A member firm working with an energy modeling consultant, engineer or other party can provide the Firm Key and a User Key, so that they can create or update a single project from an energy modeling tool that has enabled the DDx API.
Project teams may update the energy model results at each project phase or at certain phases during the project.
Architectural Overview
The API provides a one-directional project data import feature via REST based web service (Figure 1 - High-level project data flow). Currently the implementation is for data transfer one project at a time. JSON object(s) will be used as the means of data transfer. Developers can build custom applications, tools, and services that utilize this API to send project information to the DDx.
REST Model
Clients make standard HTTP requests over an SSL channel. Clients make requests either in aggregate or a specific resource.The format of the URL is: endpoint/version/namespace/resource[?query_parameters]
High level flow
Figure 1 - High-level project data flow
Detailed flow
Figure 2 - Detailed project data flow
API Testing & Calls
Sample API Request For User Authentication-
curl -v -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"user_key":"3ca2fecbde7917cdf","firm_key":"F1443630802"}'
Test API URL For Authentication- ( recommended site to test APIs until launch timeline)
Sample API Request For Project Create Or Update-
curl -v -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST -d ' {"authToken":"1680182731c08abd596308089fea74c94", "projectName":"Test API 11", "projectId":"TESTAPI0011", "projectCategory":"Non-Residential", "projectPhase":"Concept", "reportingYear":"2015", "country":"India", "state":"Maharashtra", "zipcode":"400200", "city":"Nagpur", "climateZone":"3C Warm - Marine", "useType1":"Residential - Multi-Family, 5 or more units", "useType1Area":"20000","designEnergyCode":"ASHRAE 90.1-2001", "responsiblePartyForEnergyModel":"Design Engineer", "energyModelingTool":"DOE-2.1E/EnergyPro", "baselineEUI":"45", "predictedEUI":"45", "lightingPowerDensity":"6", "windowToWallRatio":"4", "renewables":"PV;Wind Turbine", "occupancySensorsIncluded":"Yes", "daylightingSensorsIncluded":"No", "electricityProducedOffSite":"4500", "naturalGasCombustedOnSite":"56", "districtSteam":"678", "districtHotWater":"678", "districtChilledWater":"678", "chillerType":"Electric Driven", "diesel":"6000", "electricityFromRenewablesOnSite":"6789"}'
Test API URL For Project Create Or Update (recommended site to test APIs until launch timeline)
User Authentication
When firm users are attempting to transfer project data from an energy modeling tool linked to the DDx API, the first step in the process is authentication. For authentication purposes, two types of keys—the User Key and Firm Key—are required to be provided by the user to generate an authentication token and establish the data link.
User key
A User Key can be generated by the Firm user. Figure 3 shows where the user can go to generate and access the user key once it has been created. The key will be a 17 characters string encrypted using 160-bit encryption. This should be sent along with the Firm Key (i.e., Firm ID) for authentication. The User Key along with the Firm Key will be used to generate an authentication token.
Firm Key
Each firm that has a DDx account will be provided a Firm Key, which is accessible by a Firm user with administrative status, and is displayed on Section 2 of the My Account screen (Figure 3). The key will be 11 characters string encrypted using 160-bit encryption. The Firm Key along with the User Key will be used to generate an authentication token.
Authentication Token
When a valid User Key along with a valid Firm Key are provided, an authentication token will be generated. The authentication token will be a 32 characters string encrypted using 160-bit encryption and will be valid for 24 hours.
Project Parameter Fields
The table identifies the DDx Parameter fields that are currently incorporated into the API. Each row displays the API Parameter name, the entry type and the units. In addition, the “Field Type” column displays if the parameter is “Mandatory” or “Optional”. Also if “text to match DDx selection option” is provided in the “Entry Type” column, then the DDx selection option list for that parameter can be found in the next section.
DDx Input Field | API Parameter Name | Field Type | Entry Type | Units |
Project Name | projectName | Mandatory | Text |
Project ID | projectId | Optional | Text | |
Project Category | projectCategory | Optional | Text to MATCH | |
Construction Type 1 | constructionType | Optional | Text to MATCH | |
Project Phase | projectPhase | Mandatory | Text to MATCH |
Reporting Year | reportingYear | Mandatory | Numerical, 4-digits |
Country | country | Mandatory | Text to MATCH |
State/Province | state | Mandatory 2 | Text to MATCH |
Zip/Postal Code | zipcode | Mandatory 2 | Numerical, at least 5 digits |
City | city | Mandatory | Text | |
Climate Zone | climateZone | Optional | Text to MATCH | |
Use Type 1 | useType1 | Mandatory | Text to MATCH |
Use Type 1 Area | useType1Area | Mandatory | Numerical | ft 2 |
Use Type 2 | useType2 | Optional | Text to MATCH | |
Use Type 2 Area | useType2Area | Optional | Numerical | ft 2 |
Use Type 3 | useType3 | Optional | Text to MATCH | |
Use Type 3 Area | useType3Area | Optional | Numerical | ft 2 |
Use Type 4 | useType4 | Optional | Text to MATCH | |
Use Type 4 Area | useType4Area | Optional | Numerical | ft 2 |
Use Type 5 | useType5 | Optional | Text to MATCH | |
Use Type 5 Area | useType5Area | Optional | Numerical | ft 2 |
Design Energy Code | designEnergyCode | Mandatory | Text to MATCH |
Energy Modeling Tool | energyModelingTool | Mandatory | Text to MATCH | |
Baseline EUI 3 | baselineEUI | Optional | Numerical | kBtu/sf/yr |
Predicted EUI | predictedEUI | Mandatory | Numerical | kBtu/sf/yr |
Lighting Power Density | lightingPowerDensity | Optional | Numerical | W/sf |
Window to Wall Ratio % | windowToWallRatio | Optional | Numerical (5-100) | % |
Renewables | renewables | Optional | Text to MATCH | |
Occupancy Sensors Included | occupancySensorsIncluded | Optional | Yes/No | |
Dayligthing Sensors Included | daylightingSensorsIncluded | Optional | Yes/No | |
Electricity Produced Off-site | electricityProducedOffSite | Optional | Numerical | kWh/yr |
Natural Gas Combusted On-Site | naturalGasCombustedOnSite | Optional | Numerical | Therms/yr |
District Steam | districtSteam | Optional | Numerical | MBtu/yr |
District Hot Water | districtHotWater | Optional | Numerical | MBtu/yr |
District Chilled Water | districtChilledWater | Optional | Numerical | MBtu/yr |
Chiller Type | chillerType | Optional | Text to MATCH | |
Diesel | diesel | Optional | Numerical | MBtu/yr |
Electricity from Renewables on-site | electricityFromRenewablesOnSite | Optional | Numerical | MBtu/yr |
1 Construction Type is a required field, but it is listed as “optional” because by default a project will be assigned to “New Construction”. If the project is the construction type “Major Renovation of Existing Building”, it would need to be a field that was part of the data transfer.
2 State/Province and Zip/Postal Code is mandatory only for country = “United States of America”.
3 Baseline EUI is currently a mandatory field that is required for a project to save in the DDx, and become part of the Firm Portfolio. After a project is imported, the Baseline EUI value will be displayed as transferred, and the Define Baseline option will be marked as “Other”.
Parameter Selection Option Lists
DDx Input Field | API Parameter Name | DDx MATCH Selection Option |
Project Category | projectCategory | Non-Residential Residential |
Project Phase | projectPhase | Concept Schematic Design Design Development Construction Documents Construction Administration |
Country | country | See Appendix A |
State/Province | state | See Appendix B |
Climate Zone | climateZone | 1A Very Hot - Humid 1B Very Hot - Dry 2A Hot - Humid 2B Hot - Dry 3A Warm - Humid 3B Warm - Dry 3C Warm - Marine 4A Mixed - Humid 4B Mixed - Dry 4C Mixed - Marine 5A Cool - Humid 5B Cool - Dry 6A Cold - Humid 6B Cold - Dry 7 Very Cold 8 Subarctic |
Use Type 1 | useType1 | See Appendix C |
Design Energy Code | designEnergyCode | ASHRAE 90.1-1999 ASHRAE 90.1-2001 ASHRAE 90.1-2004 ASHRAE 90.1-2007 ASHRAE 90.1-2010 ASHRAE 90.1-2013 ASHRAE 90.1-2016 California Title 24 2005 for high rise residential California Title 24 2005 for single family residential California Title 24 2008 California Title 24 2010 California Title 24 2013 California Title 24 2016 California Title 24 NonResidential-2008 California Title 24 Residential-2005 California Title 24 Residential-2008 IECC 2018 IECC-2003 IECC-2006 IECC-2009 IECC-2012 IECC-2015 Massachusetts Stretch Code NECB 2011 NECB 2015 NECB 2017 Older than 1999 Oregon Energy Code Oregon Energy Code 2010 Oregon Energy Code 2014 Oregon Energy Efficiency Specialty Code 2014 Oregon Energy Efficiency Specialty Code-2010 Washington Energy Code Washington Energy Code 2015 Washington State Energy Code-2012 |
Energy Modeling Tool | energyModelingTool | 30 AEDG AERG 50 AEDG AERG Autodesk Insight 360 Cove.tool DOE 2.2 DOE-2.1E EnergyPro DOE-2.1E VisualDOE DOE-2.2 eQuest DOE-2.2 GreenBuildingStudio DOE-2.2 Other EnergyPlus AECOSim EnergyPlus DesignBuilder EnergyPlus Ladybug Tools EnergyPlus OpenStudio EnergyPlus Other EnergyPlus Simergy HAP HEED Home Energy Saver IES - Virtual Environment Other Other design guide Other energy simulation tool PlanITImpact REM Rate Sefaira Trace 3D Plus Trace 700 TRNSYS |
Renewables | renewables | None PV Solar Thermal Wind Turbine |
Chiller Type | chillerType | Electric Driven Natural Gas Absorption Natural Gas Engine Driven |
- Client - Client application.
- Status - HTTP status code of response.
- All the possible responses are listed under ‘Responses’ for each method. Only one of them is issued per request server.
- All response are in JSON format.
- All request parameters are mandatory unless explicitly marked as [optional]
- The type of values accepted for a request parameter are shown the the values column like this [10|<any number>;] .The | symbol means OR. If the parameter is [optional], the default value is shown in blue bold text, as 10 is written in [10|<any number>].
Status Codes
All status codes are standard HTTP status codes. The below ones are used in this API.
2XX - Success of some kind
4XX - Error occurred in client’s part
5XX - Error occurred in server’s part
Specific field level errors will be reported.
Status Code | Description |
200 | OK |
201 | Created |
202 | Accepted (Request accepted, and queued for execution) |
400 | Bad request |
401 | Authentication failure |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Resource not found |
405 | Method Not Allowed |
409 | Conflict Specific field level errors will be reported |
412 | Precondition Failed |
413 | Request Entity Too Large By default this is 1 MB but it is configurable on the server |
500 | Internal Server Error |
501 | Not Implemented |
503 | Service Unavailable |
Error Codes
API Response code 400 error message list
Parameter | Validation Check | API Error Response |
projectId | check projectId presence | Please provide Project ID. |
reportingYear | Please provide Reporting Year. | Please provide Reporting Year. |
projectId | Project belongs to your firm. | XYZ project belongs to other firm. |
projectName | Is Project Name included? | Project Name cannot be blank |
projectCategory | Is Project Category included? | Project Category cannot be blank |
projectCategory | Project Category= Interior Only | Interior Only Projects cannot be created/updated from API. |
projectCategory | Does Project Category match one of the options on the selection list? | Project Category does not match one of the selection options. Please check terminology, spelling and/or format. |
projectPhase | Is Project Phase included? | Project Phase cannot be blank |
projectPhase | Does Project Phase match one of the options on the selection list? | Project Phase does not match one of the selection options. Please check terminology, spelling and/or format. |
country | Is Country included? | Country cannot be blank |
country | Does Country match one of the options on the selection list? | Country does not match one of the selection options. Please check terminology, spelling and/or format. |
state | If Country = "United States of America", "China (including Hong Kong)", "Canada" or "India"; State/Province cannot be blank | State cannot be blank |
state | Does State/Province match one of the options on the selection list? | State does not match one of the selection options. Please check terminology, spelling and/or format. |
zipcode | If Country = "United States of America", "China (including Hong Kong)", "Canada" or "India"; Zip/Postal Code cannot be blank | zipcode cannot be blank |
useType1 | Does Use Type match one of the options on the selection list? | Use Type does not match one of the selection options. Please check terminology, spelling and/or format. |
useType1Area | If use type present then Has a Use Type Area been included? | At least one Use Type Area must be associated with a project. |
useType1Area | Is Use Type Area a numerical value? | Use Type Area is required to be a numeric value |
useType2 | Does Use Type match one of the options on the selection list? | Use Type does not match one of the selection options. Please check terminology, spelling and/or format. |
useType2Area | If use type present then Has a Use Type Area been included? | At least one Use Type Area must be associated with a project. |
useType2Area | Is Use Type Area a numerical value? | Use Type Area is required to be a numeric value |
useType3 | Does Use Type match one of the options on the selection list? | Use Type does not match one of the selection options. Please check terminology, spelling and/or format. |
useType3Area | If use type present then Has a Use Type Area been included? | At least one Use Type Area must be associated with a project. |
useType3Area | Is Use Type Area a numerical value? | Use Type Area is required to be a numeric value |
useType4 | Does Use Type match one of the options on the selection list? | Use Type does not match one of the selection options. Please check terminology, spelling and/or format. |
useType4Area | If use type present then Has a Use Type Area been included? | At least one Use Type Area must be associated with a project. |
useType4Area | Is Use Type Area a numerical value? | Use Type Area is required to be a numeric value |
useType5 | Does Use Type match one of the options on the selection list? | Use Type does not match one of the selection options. Please check terminology, spelling and/or format. |
useType5Area | If use type present then Has a Use Type Area been included? | At least one Use Type Area must be associated with a project. |
useType5Area | Is Use Type Area a numerical value? | Use Type Area is required to be a numeric value |
baselineEUI | Is the value a numerical value? | Baseline EUI is required to be a numeric value. |
baselineEUI | Check if Baseline EUI < 0 kBtu/sf/yr | Baseline EUI cannot be a negative number. |
predictedEUI | Is the value a numerical value? | Predicted EUI is required to be a numeric value. |
lightingPowerDensity | Is the value a numerical value? | Lighting Power Density is required to be a numeric value. |
lightingPowerDensity | Check if LPD < 0 W/sf | Lighting Power Density cannot be a negative number. |
windowToWallRatio | Check that the input value is between 0-100 | The Window to Wall Ratio % cannot be greater than 100 or less than 0. |
renewables | Does Renewables Type match one of the options on the selection list? | Renewables Type does not match one of the selection options. Please check terminology, spelling and/or format. |
occupancySensorsIncluded | Is the entry "Yes" or "No"? | Occupancy Sensors included entry can only be "Yes" or "No". |
The Window to Wall Ratio % cannot be greater than 100 or less than 0. | Is the entry "Yes" or "No"? | Daylighting Sensors included entry can only be "Yes" or "No". |
electricityProducedOffSite | Is the value a numerical value? | Electricity Produced Offsite is required to be a numeric value. |
naturalGasCombustedOnSite | Is the value a numerical value? | Natural Gas Combusted Onsite is required to be a numeric value. |
districtSteam | Is the value a numerical value? | District Steam is required to be a numeric value. |
districtHotWater | Is the value a numerical value? | District Hot Water is required to be a numeric value. |
districtChilledWater | Is the value a numerical value? | District Chilled Water is required to be a numeric value. |
chillerType | Does Chiller Type match one of the options on the selection list? | Chiller Type does not match one of the selection options. Please check terminology, spelling and/or format. |
diesel | Is the value a numerical value? | Diesel is required to be a numeric value. |
electricityFromRenewablesOnSite | Is the value a numerical value? | Electricity from Renewables Onsite is required to be a numeric value. |
What Energy Modeling Tools Can Use The 2030 DDx API?
The 2030 DDx API is OPEN and can be used by any interested energy modeling tools. See the current list of energy modeling tools.
What Happens To The Existing Project When I Update The Project Using The Energy Model Tool Import?
When a project is being updated from an energy modeling tool using the DDx API, the project information being transferred from the energy model tool will override any project data that has been previously been entered for the project for that reporting year.
Additional API Resources
Country Selection List- The current Country selection list, which is based on the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
1 | Afghanistan | 84 | Ghana | 167 | Oman |
2 | Aland Islands | 85 | Gibraltar | 168 | Pakistan |
3 | Albania | 86 | Greece | 169 | Palau |
4 | Algeria | 87 | Greenland | 170 | Palestine |
5 | American Samoa | 88 | Grenada | 171 | Panama |
6 | Andorra | 89 | Guadeloupe | 172 | Papua New Guinea |
7 | Angola | 90 | Guam | 173 | Paraguay |
8 | Anguilla | 91 | Guatemala | 174 | Peru |
9 | Antarctica | 92 | Guernsey | 175 | Philippines |
10 | Antigua and Barbuda | 93 | Guinea | 176 | Pitcairn |
11 | Argentina | 94 | Guinea-Bissau | 177 | Poland |
12 | Armenia | 95 | Guyana | 178 | Portugal |
13 | Aruba | 96 | Haiti | 179 | Puerto Rico |
14 | Australia | 97 | Heard Island and McDonald Islands | 180 | Qatar |
15 | Austria | 98 | Holy See | 181 | Reunion |
16 | Azerbaijan | 99 | Honduras | 182 | Romania |
17 | Bahamas | 100 | Hong Kong | 183 | Russian Federation |
18 | Bahrain | 101 | Hungary | 184 | Rwanda |
19 | Bangladesh | 102 | Iceland | 185 | Saint Barthelemy |
20 | Barbados | 103 | India | 186 | Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha |
21 | Belarus | 104 | Indonesia | 187 | Saint Kitts and Nevis |
22 | Belgium | 105 | Iran | 188 | Saint Lucia |
23 | Belize | 106 | Iraq | 189 | Saint Martin (French part) |
24 | Benin | 107 | Ireland | 190 | Saint Pierre and Miquelon |
25 | Bermuda | 108 | Isle of Man | 191 | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
26 | Bhutan | 109 | Israel | 192 | Samoa |
27 | Bolivia | 110 | Italy | 193 | San Marino |
28 | Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba | 111 | Jamaica | 194 | Sao Tome and Principe |
29 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 112 | Japan | 195 | Saudi Arabia |
30 | Botswana | 113 | Jersey | 196 | Senegal |
31 | Bouvet Island | 114 | Jordan | 197 | Serbia |
32 | Brazil | 115 | Kazakhstan | 198 | Seychelles |
33 | British Indian Ocean Territory | 116 | Kenya | 199 | Sierra Leone |
34 | Brunei Darussalam | 117 | Kiribati | 200 | Singapore |
35 | Bulgaria | 118 | Korea Democratic People's Republic | 201 | Sint Maarten (Dutch part) |
36 | Burkina Faso | 119 | Korea | 202 | Slovakia |
37 | Burundi | 120 | Kuwait | 203 | Slovenia |
38 | Cabo Verde | 121 | Kyrgyzstan | 204 | Solomon Islands |
39 | Cambodia | 122 | Lao People's Democratic Republic | 205 | Somalia |
40 | Cameroon | 123 | Latvia | 206 | South Africa |
41 | Canada | 124 | Lebanon | 207 | South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands |
42 | Cayman Islands | 125 | Lesotho | 208 | South Sudan |
43 | Central African Republic | 126 | Liberia | 209 | Spain |
44 | Chad | 127 | Libya | 210 | Sri Lanka |
45 | Chile | 128 | Liechtenstein | 211 | Sudan |
46 | China | 129 | Lithuania | 212 | Suriname |
47 | Christmas Island | 130 | Luxembourg | 213 | Svalbard and Jan Mayen |
48 | Cocos Islands | 131 | Macao | 214 | Swaziland |
49 | Colombia | 132 | Macedonia | 215 | Sweden |
50 | Comoros | 133 | Madagascar | 216 | Switzerland |
51 | Congo | 134 | Malawi | 217 | Syrian Arab Republic |
52 | Congo Democratic Republic | 135 | Malaysia | 218 | Taiwan |
53 | Cook Islands | 136 | Maldives | 219 | Tajikistan |
54 | Costa Rica | 137 | Mali | 220 | Tanzania |
55 | Cote d'Ivoire | 138 | Malta | 221 | Thailand |
56 | Croatia | 139 | Marshall Islands | 222 | Timor-Leste |
57 | Cuba | 140 | Martinique | 223 | Togo |
58 | Curacao | 141 | Mauritania | 224 | Tokelau |
59 | Cyprus | 142 | Mauritius | 225 | Tonga |
60 | Czech Republic | 143 | Mayotte | 226 | Trinidad and Tobago |
61 | Denmark | 144 | Mexico | 227 | Tunisia |
62 | Djibouti | 145 | Micronesia | 228 | Turkey |
63 | Dominica | 146 | Moldova | 229 | Turkmenistan |
64 | Dominican Republic | 147 | Monaco | 230 | Turks and Caicos Islands |
65 | Ecuador | 148 | Mongolia | 231 | Tuvalu |
66 | Egypt | 149 | Montenegro | 232 | Uganda |
67 | El Salvador | 150 | Montserrat | 233 | Ukraine |
68 | Equatorial Guinea | 151 | Morocco | 234 | United Arab Emirates |
69 | Eritrea | 152 | Mozambique | 235 | United Kingdom |
70 | Estonia | 153 | Myanmar | 236 | United States Minor Outlying Islands |
71 | Ethiopia | 154 | Namibia | 237 | United States of America |
72 | Faroe Islands | 155 | Nauru | 238 | Uruguay |
73 | Falkland Islands | 156 | Nepal | 239 | Uzbekistan |
74 | Fiji | 157 | Netherlands | 240 | Vanuatu |
75 | Finland | 158 | New Caledonia | 241 | Venezuela |
76 | France | 159 | New Zealand | 242 | Vietnam |
77 | French Guiana | 160 | Nicaragua | 243 | Virgin Islands (British) |
78 | French Polynesia | 161 | Niger | 244 | Virgin Islands (U.S.) |
79 | French Southern Territories | 162 | Nigeria | 245 | Wallis and Futuna |
80 | Gabon | 163 | Niue | 246 | Western Sahara |
81 | Gambia | 164 | Norfolk Island | 247 | Yemen |
82 | Georgia | 165 | Northern Mariana Islands | 248 | Zambia |
83 | Germany | 166 | Norway | 249 | Zimbabwe |
DDx State/Province List- The DDx currently includes four countries (Canada, China, India, and US) that also contain State/Province selection options.
# | State/Province | ||||
CANADA | |||||
1 | Alberta | 2 | British Columbia | 3 | Manitoba |
4 | New Brunswick | 5 | Newfoundland and Labrador | 6 | Nova Scotia |
7 | Northwest Territories | 8 | Nunavut | 9 | Ontario |
10 | Prince Edward Island | 11 | Quebec | 12 | Saskatchewan |
13 | Yukon | ||||
CHINA | |||||
1 | Beijing | 2 | Tianjin | 3 | Hebei |
4 | Shanxi | 5 | Nei Mongol | 6 | Liaoning |
7 | Jilin | 8 | Heilongjiang | 9 | Shanghai |
10 | Jiangsu | 11 | Zhejiang | 12 | Anhui |
13 | Fujian | 14 | Jiangxi | 15 | Shandong |
16 | Henan | 17 | Hubei | 18 | Hunan |
19 | Guangdong | 20 | Guangxi | 21 | Hainan |
22 | Chongqing | 23 | Sichuan | 24 | Guizhou |
25 | Yunnan | 26 | Xizang | 27 | Shaanxi |
28 | Gansu | 29 | Qinghai | 30 | Ningxia |
31 | Xinjiang | 32 | Taiwan | 33 | Xianggang |
34 | Macao | ||||
INDIA | |||||
1 | Andaman and Nicobar Islands | 2 | Andhra Pradesh | 3 | Arunachal Pradesh |
4 | Assam | 5 | Bihar | 6 | Chandigarh |
7 | Chhattisgarh | 8 | Daman and Diu | 9 | Delhi |
10 | Dadra and Nagar Haveli | 11 | Goa | 12 | Gujarat |
13 | Himachal Pradesh | 14 | Haryana | 15 | Jharkhand |
16 | Jammu and Kashmir | 17 | Karnataka | 18 | Kerala |
19 | Lakshadweep | 20 | Maharashtra | 21 | Meghalaya |
22 | Manipur | 23 | Madhya Pradesh | 24 | Mizoram |
25 | Nagaland | 26 | Odisha | 27 | Punjab |
28 | Puducherry | 29 | Rajasthan | 30 | Sikkim |
31 | Telangana | 32 | Tamil Nadu | 33 | Tripura |
34 | Uttar Pradesh | 35 | Uttarakhand | 36 | West Bengal |
1 | Alaska | 2 | Alabama | 3 | Arkansas |
4 | American Samoa | 5 | Arizona | 6 | California |
7 | Colorado | 8 | Connecticut | 9 | District of Columbia |
10 | Delaware | 11 | Florida | 12 | Georgia |
13 | Guam | 14 | Hawaii | 15 | Iowa |
16 | Idaho | 17 | Illinois | 18 | Indiana |
19 | Kansas | 20 | Kentucky | 21 | Louisiana |
22 | Massachusetts | 23 | Maryland | 24 | Maine |
25 | Michigan | 26 | Minnesota | 27 | Missouri |
28 | Northern Mariana Islands | 29 | Mississippi | 30 | Montana |
31 | North Carolina | 32 | North Dakota | 33 | Nebraska |
34 | New Hampshire | 35 | New Jersey | 36 | New Mexico |
37 | Nevada | 38 | New York | 39 | Ohio |
40 | Oklahoma | 41 | Oregon | 42 | Pennsylvania |
43 | Puerto Rico | 44 | Rhode Island | 45 | South Carolina |
46 | South Dakota | 47 | Tennessee | 48 | Texas |
49 | Utah | 50 | Virginia | 51 | Virgin Islands |
52 | Vermont | 53 | Washington | 54 | Wisconsin |
55 | West Virginia | 56 | Wyoming |
DDx Use Type List
AIA 2030 DDx Use Types | ENERGY STAR Target Finder Use Types | |
1 | Bank/Financial Institution | bankBranch |
2 | Courthouse | Courthouse |
3 | Data Center | DataCenter |
4 | Education - College/University (campus-level) | CollegeUniversity |
5 | Education - General | AdultEducation |
6 | Education - K-12 School | K-12School |
7 | Food Sales - Convenience Store (w/ or w/out gas station) | ConvenienceStoreWithGasStation |
8 | Food Sales - General | WholesaleClubSupercenter |
9 | Food Sales - Supermarket/Grocery | SupermarketGroceryStore |
10 | Food Service - Fast Food | FastFoodRestaurant |
11 | Food Service - General | Food Service |
12 | Food Service - Restaurant/Cafeteria | Restaurant |
13 | Health Care - Clinic | UrgentCareClinicOtherOutpatient |
14 | Health Care - Hospital Inpatient | Hospital |
15 | Health Care - Medical Office | MedicalOffice |
16 | Health Care - Nursing/Assisted Living | SeniorCareCommunity |
17 | Health Care - Outpatient - General | OutpatientRehabilitationPhysicalTherapy |
18 | Laboratory | Laboratory |
19 | Lodging - General | otherLodgingResidential |
20 | Lodging - Hotel/Motel | Hotel |
21 | Lodging - Residence Hall/Dormitory | ResidenceHallDormitory |
22 | Mixed-Use | Mixed Use |
23 | Office - Small ( < 10,000 sf) | Office |
24 | Office - Medium (< 100,000 sf) | Office |
25 | Office - Large | Office |
26 | Public Assembly - Entertainment/Culture | PerformingArts |
27 | Public Assembly - General | Other - Entertainment/Public Assembly Use |
28 | Public Assembly - Library | Library |
29 | Public Assembly - Recreation | otherRecreation |
30 | Public Assembly - Social/Meeting | socialMeetingHall |
31 | Public Safety - Fire/Police Station | fireStation |
32 | Public Safety - General | otherPublicServices |
33 | Religious Worship | WorshipFacility |
34 | Residential - Mid-Rise/High-Rise | No Reasonable Target Finder match |
35 | Residential - Mobile Homes | SingleFamilyHome |
36 | Residential - Multi-Family, 2 to 4 units | MultifamilyHousing |
37 | Residential - Multi-Family, 5 or more units | MultifamilyHousing |
38 | Residential - Single-Family Attached | SingleFamilyHome |
39 | Residential - Single-Family Detached | SingleFamilyHome |
40 | Retail - Mall | enclosedMall |
41 | Retail - Non-mall, Vehicle Dealerships, misc. | AutomobileDealership |
42 | Retail Store | RetailStore |
43 | Service (vehicle repair/service, postal service) | RepairServices(Vehicle,Shoe,Locksmith,etc.) |
44 | Storage - Distribution/Shipping Center | Distribution Center |
45 | Storage - General | Distribution Center |
46 | Storage - Non-refrigerated warehouse | Distribution CenterNonRefrigeratedWarehouse |
47 | Storage - Refrigerated warehouse | Distribution CenterRefrigeratedWarehouse |
48 | Warehouse - Self-storage | selfStorageFacility |
49 | Other | Other |
* Parking can only be a second use type for a project, it cannot be the primary use type.