This upcoming reporting year, the AIA 2030 Commitment and the A&D Materials Pledge reporting windows will overlap during the following timeline:

2030 Commitment: January-March 2025 | Deadline: March 31st, midnight

Materials Pledge: February-May 2025 | Deadline: May 31st, midnight

To support signatory firms in their reporting efforts, the AIA staff and Working Group members hosts a series of Open Office Hours (OOH) for each program’s data collection. 2030 signatories will continue to report their data into the Design Data Exchange (DDx), and Materials Pledge signatories will report via survey format with the link launching February 1st.

2030 Commitment OOH schedule:

Date & Time

RY24 OOH Session

Registration Link

OOH Recording

December 11, 3-4pm ET

DDx Updates for RY24

Register now >

January 14, 3-4pm ET

Walk through the DDx

Register now >

February 13, 1-2pm ET

A Guide to Bulk Import

Register now >

February 27, 2-2:45pm ET

Ask Us Anything

Register now >

March 11, 3-3:45 pm ET

How to submit your portfolio

Register now >

March 26, 2-2:45pm ET

Last minute questions

Register now >

Materials Pledge OOH schedule:

MP RY24 OOH: Introduction to Materials Pledge reporting

February 6, 3-3:45pm ET

The first in its series, this AIA Materials Pledge reporting open office hour (OOH) will cover the basics of what it means to be an MP signatory, what to expect in this year's reporting cycle, and an overview of the reporting structure. Register now >

View the recording here >

MP RY24 OOH: Firm-level metrics

February 19, 3-3:45pm ET

In this second AIA Materials Pledge reporting open office hour, we'll go over the firm level metrics and answer any questions signatories may have as they're responding. Register now >

View the recording here >

MP RY24 OOH: Project- and Product-level metrics

March 18, 3-4pm ET

In this AIA Materials Pledge reporting open office hour, we'll go over the optional project- and product-level reporting structure and answer any questions signatories may have while responding. Register now >

MP RY24 OOH: Ask us anything

May 15, 2-2:45pm ET

In this final AIA Materials Pledge reporting open office hours, bring all of your questions! AIA Materials Pledge staff and WG members will be here to answer anything that crops up as your submitting your MP data.

Register now >