Component Monthly Fonteva Update - May 2023

Component Monthly Fonteva Update - May 2023

Welcome to the May edition of the Fonteva User Component monthly update. May the Fourth be with you!

 New resources and tools!

Firm Detail Report: List of accounts/firms tied to your active members; including Principal and Staff role and firm size. 

Previous issues are now resolved, and testing is underway as we speak. We plan to deploy this report within the next few weeks after successful testing.

Data reminder: The completeness and accuracy of report outputs is only as good as the data we have in Fonteva. Please encourage your members to log into AIA.org, where one is automatically dropped into My Account, select “edit” in the Manage tile, and update accordingly. For further assistance, your members can contact membersupport@aia.org.

Membership lapsing and CES Audit are complete! Now what?

Last month, the Lapsing process and the CES Audit process were completed. The Lapsing process moved Active 2022 members who have not yet paid for 2023 membership to Lapsed. The CES Audit process selects 5% of eligible members for review of their continuing education compliance annually. Now that the processes have been completed, the “Lapsed Members” and the “Members in CES Audit” reports will display results. You can use both for outreach to bring lapsed members current and to ensure current members are fulfilling their requirement for continuing education learning credits.

What’s up next?

As always, you may refer to the Roadmap housed in Portal Commons as this document is updated regularly. Within, you will see a list of reports already requested by your peers.


 What are the options?

  1. Email us at digitalsupport@aia.org with Chapter Portal questions/requests or membersupport@aia.org for specific member questions/requests/record updates.
  2. New to Fonteva or need a refresher? Join us!  If new, please return the signed User Agreement in advance.
  3. Check out the Wiki for training, webinar, FAQs and so much more. Note: While this material may prove useful in the interim, stay tuned for revised resources to reflect recent improvements.

Thank you for the continued support and partnership.

AIA Technology

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