Component Monthly Fonteva Update - June 2023

Component Monthly Fonteva Update - June 2023

Welcome to the July edition of the Fonteva User Component monthly update. It’s not your imagination the June edition got caught up in the A’23 San Fran wind and never landed.  

 Did you know? 

  1. We can now merge Fonteva duplicate records. Requests should be sent to membersupport@aia.org 

  1. My Account received an overhaul. The interface is now better organized, easier to navigate and includes increased self-service options. When logging into aia.org, click on My Account in the upper right-hand corner, and “edit "in the red Manage tile. Point your members to My Account in preparation of the 2024 membership renewal season! 

  1. Chapter Portal ACH Report Performance: Audit season is upon us. When running an ACH report for 2022, please be patient while the report runs. There is a lot of data to compile and format as the ACH report is a custom report pulling from different areas of the database. 

  1. Copying Members on Digital Support Email: please exclude adding members when sending an email to Digital Support. This is a staff-facing email, not a member-facing email. 

Fonteva Access and Training: 

 New or need a refresher? Due to vacation time, we will hold one training in July and resume a full training schedule in August. Register today! 


 What’s up next? 

 As always, you may refer to the Roadmap housed in Portal Commons as this document is updated regularly. Within, you will see a list of reports already requested by your peers. 



 What are the options? 


  1. Email us at digitalsupport@aia.org with Chapter Portal questions/requests or membersupport@aia.org for specific member questions/requests/record updates. 
  2. Check out the Wiki for training, webinar, FAQs and so much more. Note: While this material may prove useful in the interim, stay tuned for revised resources to reflect recent improvements.  


Thank you for the continued support and partnership. 


AIA Technology 

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