DRAFT Add a new admin user

DRAFT Add a new admin user

A new team member joins who will need access to development, UAT, partial, or they need to otherwise administrate Fonteva.


Before creating, check that the user does not already exist. There is a known behavior wherein a user copied from one server to another may have the suffix .invalid added to their email address. If so, that user will exist but not be able to login nor reset their own password. If you encounter a user that cannot login to a specific server (or all of them), first check for an existing account and, if applicable, remove the .invalid suffix.

Step-by-step guide

Add user to the Production instance

If applicable, add user to the Full sandbox

  1. Repeat steps from above except...
  2. ... on aia–aiafull.lightning.force.com/
  3. Add suffix to user's email address .aiafull

If applicable, add user to the UAT sandbox

  1. Repeat steps from above except...
  2. ... on aia–uat.my.salesforce.com
  3. Add suffix to user's email address .uat

If applicable, add user to the Partial sandbox

  1. Repeat steps from above except...
  2. ... on aia–partial.my.salesforce.com
  3. Add suffix to user's email address .aiapartial

If applicable, add user to the Josh sandbox

  1. Repeat steps from above except...
  2. ... on aia–aiajosh.my.salesforce.com
  3. Add suffix to user's email address .aiajosh

If applicable, add user to the Events sandbox

  1. tbd

If applicable, add user to the CACE sandbox

  1. tbd

If applicable, add user to the askdfljskldfjask;dlfjas;lkdj sandbox

  1. tbd

Unless absolutely necessary, do not choose the Super Admin or SysAdmin role. There are a limited number of such users on each server and they are already assigned. If you must have this level of access, verify with Brian McLaren before moving forward. Or else.