AIA staff documentation


A Contact is equivalent to a member/customer record in netFORUM.

Find and view contacts  (Video)

Link to Fonteva Users Guide:


  • Depending on your permissions in Fonteva, you may or may not see options/links to edit a contact record.  If you have access to make edits, the pencil icon to the far right of an item will be bold when you hover your mouse over it. See this page for instructions on editing a contact record.
  • At the very bottom of a Contact record, you will find information on when the record was created and by whom and when the record was last modified and by whom.

You can access Contacts via the navigation bar, global search box or the App Launcher. Reference screenshots below

  1. Click 'Contacts'.
  2. Navigate to an individual's contact record and click it.
  3. The Contact page is displayed. At the top of the page, you will see the Account Name associated with the Contact.  Every contact record needs to be associated with an account.
  4. Below the information referenced above, is a Related List Quick Links section.  Quick Links are shortcuts to specific areas of information for the contact record.
  5. Below the Quick Links, you will see a Related and Details tab.
    1. The Details tab displays additional information such as AIA designation, demographics, AIA member flag, licensure information, legacy account numbers, contact information, etc.
    2. The Related tab provides access to addresses, badges, membership orders, receipts, invoices, event registration information, notes, membership history, and firm billing contacts.

Contacts page:

Navigation bar:

App launcher:

Follow the steps below to update an existing contact record in Fonteva.

  1. Follow steps on the Find and view contacts page.
  2. On the contact page, note the pencil icon to the right of editable fields.
  3. Click the pencil icon and the available fields for editing will be displayed.
  4. Make update and click the 'Save' button at the bottom of the screen.



An Account is equivalent to an organization record in netFORUM.

  1. You can access Accounts via the navigation bar, global search box or the App Launcher. Reference screenshots below.
  2. Click 'Account'.
  3. Navigate to an Account record and click it.
  4. The information available in an Account record will be similar to a Contact record.
  5. More specific information on the Details tab includes:
    1. Account contact.
    2. Account type. Example: Architecture Firm.
    3. Account website.
    4. Flags for headquarter, cornerstone partner, architect lead, multi-discipline.
    5. CES provider number and CES Provider audit flag.
  6. The Related tabs displays the same links available in the Contact record

Account page:

Navigation bar:

App launcher:

Follow the steps below to update an existing account record in Fonteva.

  1. Follow steps on the Find and view accounts page.
  2. On the account page, note the pencil icon to the right of editable fields.
  3. Click the pencil icon and the available fields for editing will be displayed.
  4. Make update and click the 'Save' button at the bottom of the screen.


This article will explain how to access reports and export them to excel.

Finding, viewing, and downloading reports from the dashboard (Video)

You can access reports via the navigation bar.

Or by the App Launcher

Or by the Dashboard (you may have to scroll down the dashboard).

  1. If you selected a specific Report it will display (go to step 4), if you have selected Reports from the the App Launcher or by Selecting Reports on the menu bar the Reports Page displays.
  2. Click/select All Reports from the Reports page to display a list of all the reports available.
  3. With the list of reports displayed, scroll through the list till the specific report is reached, then click/select the Report Name.
  4. Sort the data in the report by clicking on the Column title (the small arrow next to the column name indicates it can be used to re-sort report).
  5. After clicking on the column title the data sorts to below
  6. To download the report, click the down arrow at the upper right-hand corner.
  7. With the options displayed, click/select Export.
  8. The Export Page appears.  Click/select Formatted Report and format Excel format.xls., then lick/select Export.
  9. An Excel icon with the report name will be displayed in the lower left-hand corner of the screen.  Click/select the report/file name to launch excel and view report.
  10. With the Report open in Excel.  Use excel to edit, print and save the data be accessed again.