What reports are available for components

What reports are available for components

As the AIA shifts to Fonteva as the new member database, we have created a Chapter Portal site. The Chapter Portal will be an easy way for you and your component staff to see real-time membership and financial data. 

We've tried to standardize reports so you're consistently seeing the same columns in the same order. We are trying to set up the report with the result columns in the same order for consistency. If a report includes more fields than you need, you can delete the columns in the Excel file after exporting.

Warning - Data Privacy

The Member Roster is our most extensive report on member data. The majority of the fields on the Chapter Portal reports constitute Personally Identifiable Information (PII) for our membership. PII is confidential information and should only be shared with leadership and staff who have a business need to know the specific information in a report. Please edit reports and remove the columns of data that are not needed for a business purpose before you share any data file.  NEVER share a data file with someone outside of component staff or leadership.

Different reports are available depending on what tab you are on

Membership tab

The reports available on the membership tab are your basic reports for managing your chapters membership. 

Full Member Roster

The Full Member Roster is a list of all of your component's Active AND Lapsed members. The results will include contact information, membership information and demographic information.

Active Member Roster

The Active Member Roster is a list of all contacts with only one membership related to your chapter (no memberships from previous years) with an ACTIVE status. The results list is the current list of Active members at the time you pull the report. Download the report to Excel for deeper review of results.

Lapsed Members

The Lapsed Members roster is a list of all contacts with one membership related to your chapter for the previous year and a Member Status of Lapsed. The results list is the current list of Lapsed members at the time you pull the report. Download the report to Excel for deeper review of results.


The Join/Re-join report is a list of all contacts with only one membership related to your chapter (no memberships from the previous year). The report looks at new or reinstating members for the current membership renewal year and will be updated regularly on October 1st of each year to show results for the 

This report is an XL and includes 50 fields.

Why does the Year change?

The report looks for new or reinstating members who do not have a current membership to determine results. The parameter will change every year on October 1st to look at the upcoming year membership term to pull results since October 1st is the first day of the upcoming membership year.

Video tutorial: Watch this tutorial on how to download and filter a report.

New Grad

The New Grad report is a list of all contacts with only one membership related to your chapter who have a membership with a Price Rule which contains "New Grad". The report will only display results if your Component offers discounted rates for newly graduated members. You can use the date parameter field before running the report to narrow down results. Download the report to Excel for deeper review of results.

Terminated Members

The Terminated Members report is a list of all Contacts with only one membership related to your chapter who have a termination date greater than or equal to 12/31/2020. The results include the cancelled reason and the date of membership cancellation. Download the report to Excel for deeper review of results.

Transfers In

The Transfers In report is a list of all Contacts with New State or Local Component Name equal to your Component. You can use the date filter of the report to narrow down results since June 29, 2022, when a new transfer process was deployed to Fonteva. The date filter of the report cannot be earlier than 6/29/2022.

Transfer Out

The Transfer Out report is a list of all Contacts who have been transferred out of your Component since June 29, 2022 (the day the new transfer process was deployed to Fonteva). You can search for members who have transferred out of your component since 6/29/2022. Results will display a limited amount of information. 

Upgraded to Architect

The Upgrade to Architect report is a list of all Active members in your component with an Upgrade to Architect date since the date you entered on the date filter. The results list will include contact information, membership information and demographic information. Download the report for further review.

Upgrade to Emeritus

The Upgrade to Emeritus report shows Active members who have upgraded from Architect or Associate membership to Emeritus. You can adjust the date filter to add or narrow the list of results. Download the report for further review.

Members in CES Audit

The Members in CES Audit report shows a list of Active members of your component who have been selected for audit during the current membership year. The report is a real-time results list. As members complete their review, they will be removed from the list of results.

Deceased Members

The Deceased Members report shows members who have been processed as Deceased in Fonteva since October 1, 2020. You can use the date filter to narrow down the list of results. 

Interest Areas

The Interest Areas report shows all Active members of your component with the Interest Areas (Knowledge Communities) they belong to in the results list. You can download the results and filter on the Interest Area for deeper review and filtering of results.

Email Change Log

The Email Change Log report will show you a list of additions and changes to your member's email address fields from a date on or after October 1, 2021. You will see requests with a status of Approved, Cancelled or Pending in the results list.

Firm Details

The Firm Details report will show all of your component's members who have a Role selected of "Principal" or "Staff".

Data reminder: The completeness and accuracy of report outputs is only as good as the data we have in Fonteva. Please encourage your members to log into AIA.org, where one is automatically dropped into My Account, select “edit” in the Manage tile, and update accordingly. For further assistance, your members can contact membersupport@aia.org.

Associates/Path to Licensure

The Associates/Path to Licensure report will show all of your component's Active members who have joined in the last 10 years and have a Licensure Status of "On Track to Licensure" or "Not Pursuing Licensure".

Data reminder: The completeness and accuracy of report outputs is only as good as the data we have in Fonteva. Please encourage your members to log into AIA.org, where one is automatically dropped into My Account, select “edit” in the Manage tile, and update accordingly. For further assistance, your members can contact membersupport@aia.org.

Architects Licensed =/< 10 Years

The Architects Licensed =/< 10 Years report shows your component's Active members who have a Join License Date within the last 10 years. 

Data reminder: The completeness and accuracy of report outputs is only as good as the data we have in Fonteva. Please encourage your members to log into AIA.org, where one is automatically dropped into My Account, select “edit” in the Manage tile, and update accordingly. For further assistance, your members can contact membersupport@aia.org.

Retention tab

The reports available on the retention tab are most useful during the renewal season. 

Renewed members

The Renewed Members is a list of all Active members of your component who have renewed for the upcoming membership renewal year. It is a real-time report list which will change most often during the renewal season (October through January). You can export the list for deeper review. You can use the report to thank someone for renewing their membership.

NOTE: the results list will not include members who have joined or reinstated for the upcoming membership year.

Non-renewed members

The Non-renewed Members is a list of all Active and Lapsed members of your component who have a maximum membership term end-date that has past or will pass in the next 100 days. When a member renews, they're maximum subscription end date will be for December 31 of the next year and they will no longer be on this list.

Use this list to reach out to slow-to-renew members and those that lapse.

Finance tab

The Finance tab has reports related to distribution of your membership dues. 

ACH Distribution reports

ACH distributions are made on a daily basis for domestic chapters and quarterly basis for non-domestic chapters. The ACH report is based on a distribution batch and a distribution date. 

Learn more about how to run an ACH report on the Wiki page; How to run an ACH report

Dues Installment Plan Report

The Dues Installment Plan Report is a list of all Active members of your component who have signed up for the Dues Installment Plan (DIP) to pay their membership. Staff can download a real-time report of members who are signed up for DIP. 

NOTE: DIP processing for 2023 has not been added to Fonteva as of November 2022. After the process rolls out and members are processed, the report will display results.

Dues Waiver Report

The Dues Waiver Report is a list of all Active members of your component who have requested a Dues Waiver. The report is set up to look at current and upcoming year requests based on the year chosen by the staff member. A new Dues Waiver process was added to Fonteva in early November 2022 so the report may not show all results for 2022 or 2023 requests. The data will be uploaded to Fonteva as soon as possible.

Use this list to thank someone for renewing their membership.

This report is an XL and includes 50 fields.

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