Changing an Account on an Existing Contact

Changing an Account on an Existing Contact

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When a Contact needs to be changed to a different Existing Account

  1. Locate Contact 
  2. Scroll down to Career section
  3. Select "X" and delete the existing Account Name
  4. In the Name field, begin typing to initiate a search
  5. Locate name of existing Account
  6. Select Save

When a Contact needs to be changed to a an Account not listed in Fonteva (Create a New Account)

Refer to Create a New Account

  1. Locate Contact 
  2. Scroll down to Career section
  3. Select "X" and delete the existing Account Name
  4. Select "New" to create a New Account
  5. Add data to Account Fields
  6. Continue to follow steps to Create a New Account
  7. Select Save

When a Contact does not have an Account (Create a Person Account)

  1. Locate Contact 
  2. Scroll down to Career section
  3. Select "X" and delete the existing Account Name
  4. Select "New" to create a New Account
  5. Copy/Paste or type the Contact's name in the Account Name field
  6. Add the word "Person" at the end
  7. Select Save

View available video to create a Person Account

Locate Contact

Scroll down to Career section

Select "X" and delete the existing Account Name 

Select the Account Name field and at the bottom, select "New"


  • Begin search for an existing Account and select
    • If different versions of the  name exist, be sure the correct Account is selected, e.g., HOK vs. HOK Washington
  • Create a New Account
  • If the Contact does not have an Account, create a Person Account

Creating a Person Account

Select Save