How to use Renew Button for Manual Renewals

Click here to download pdf version

View recording of how to use Renew Button (includes Supplemental Dues) here

View recording of how to use Renew Button to individually generate an Open Sales Order needed for renew process here

Step-by-step guide

  1. Locate Contact
  2. Confirm an Open Sale Order is available
    1. If a Sales Order is not available, Click the Renew Button
    2. Once the dues lines are shown, click the X in the upper right corner
    3. Verify an Open sales order was generated
  3. Initiate the manual renew process
  4. Click the Renew Button
  5. Visually confirm dues amounts displays in the Renew form appearing on screen
  6. If Supplemental Dues apply, the categories for data counts provided by the chapter will appear
  7. Provide data, as needed.  Zero is default.
  8. If an ArchiPac donation was requested, select the ArchiPac check box
  9. Select the Payment method:  Full or Dues Installment
  10. Click Save
  11. Verify Sale Order lines
  12. Close Sales Order
  13. Process Payment
  14. Verify 
    1. Sales Order is closed
    2. Status is active
    3. Membership Expire Date is as expected
    4. Receipt was generated

Locate Contact record

Verify there is an Open Sales Order

Click the Renew button to initiate manual renew process

Verify Dues lines

To add ArchiPac donation, click check box

If chapter requires Supplemental Dues for Architect firm owner members, the Supplemental Dues data categories will appear

Add number count for Supplemental Dues categories, where needed

Zero is the default for Supplemental Dues category counts

Select payment option under Subscription Plans

Click Update Sales Order

Verify Sales Order lines and Close sales order to process payment

Close Sales Order and Process Payment

Sales Orders Lines examples

Process Payment

Visit Applying Payment wiki for step by step actions to process a payment

Once payment is processed, review Fonteva data 

Review Sales Order is Closed and Posted

Membership Status should be Active

Member Expire Date should reflect appropriate dues year end date