Use Type is a required input field in the Extended Project Info section. Use types may be selected by clicking the “+” sign at the far right of the field.
A pop-up will appear with the DDx building use types. Once the use type is selected and the square footage entered, the Zero Tool baseline and 2030 Target will be generated. Additional use types can then be added.
Zero Tool has its own set of use types that are based on the ENERGY STAR Target Finder use type set. To enable the Baseline Zero Tool Calculation, which calculates the Baseline EUI for the project, the DDx use type set has been mapped to the Zero Tool use type set. The Zero Tool calculation is calculated through the Zero Tool web services API. By default, the Baseline EUI is calculated using the minimum input requirements for the use types selected for the project. You may be able to calculate a more detailed Baseline EUI by visiting the Zero Tool website.
Use Types Table
The table displays how the DDx building types (column 1) are mapped to the Zero Tool set (column 2). When a use type is selected in the DDx, if the Zero Tool calculation is used, the calculation will use the corresponding Zero Tool Finder use type displayed in the second column.
Click here for the table...
AIA 2030 Commitment SET Use Types | Zero Tool SET Mapped to AIA 2030 Commitment Set |
Bank/Financial Institution | bankBranch |
Courthouse | Courthouse |
Data Center | DataCenter |
Education - College/University (campus-level) | CollegeUniversity |
Education – General | AdultEducation |
Education - K-12 School | K-12School |
Food Sales - Convenience Store (w/ or w/out gas station) | ConvenienceStoreWithGasStation |
Food Sales – General | WholesaleClubSupercenter |
Food Sales - Supermarket/Grocery | SupermarketGroceryStore |
Food Service - Fast Food | FastFoodRestaurant |
Food Service – General | FoodService |
Food Service - Restaurant/Cafeteria | Restaurant |
Health Care – Clinic | MedicalOffice |
Health Care - Hospital Inpatient | Hospital |
Health Care - Medical Office | MedicalOffice |
Health Care - Nursing/Assisted Living | SeniorCareCommunity |
Health Care - Outpatient – General | OutpatientRehabilitationPhysicalTherapy |
Laboratory - recommend use of Labs21 | Laboratory |
Lodging – General | otherLodgingResidential |
Lodging - Hotel/Motel | Hotel |
Lodging - Residence Hall/Dormitory | ResidenceHallDormitory |
Mixed-Use | Mixed Use |
Office - Small ( < 10,000 sf) | Office |
Office - Medium (< 100,000 sf) | Office |
Office – Large | Office |
Other | Other |
Parking | Parking |
Public Assembly - Entertainment/Culture | PerformingArts |
Public Assembly – General | otherPublicServices |
Public Assembly – Library | Library |
Public Assembly – Recreation | otherRecreation |
Public Assembly - Social/Meeting | socialMeetingHall |
Public Safety - Fire/Police Station | fireStation |
Public Safety – General | PoliceStation |
Religious Worship | WorshipFacility |
Residential - Mobile Homes | SingleFamilyHome |
Residential - Multi-Family, 2 to 4 units | MultifamilyHousing |
Residential - Multi-Family, 5 or more units | MultifamilyHousing |
Residential - Single-Family Attached | SingleFamilyHome |
Residential - Single-Family Detached | SingleFamilyHome |
Residential - Mid-Rise/HIgh-Rise | No Reasonable Target Finder match |
Retail – Mall | EnclosedMall |
Retail - Non-mall, Vehicle Dealerships, misc. | AutomobileDealership |
Retail Store | RetailStore |
Service (vehicle repair/service, postal service) | RepairServices(Vehicle,Shoe,Locksmith,etc.) |
Storage - Distribution/Shipping Center | Distribution Center |
Storage – General | No Reasonable Target Finder match |
Storage - Non-refrigerated warehouse | No Reasonable Target Finder match |
Storage - Refrigerated warehouse | No Reasonable Target Finder match |
Warehouse - Self-storage | No Reasonable Target Finder match |
Parking Use Type
Parking can be added as a secondary use type for buildings with attached structured parking (but cannot be the primary use type). The use type includes open, partially enclosed, and completely enclosed parking. The area entered for parking should be the sum of the areas for the three parking types.
If a project which includes parking within the building has been modeled and can be analyzed in Zero Tool, use Zero Tool, entering parking as a secondary space type to arrive at a comparable average EUI. If the project has not been modeled or cannot be analyzed in Zero Tool, exclude the parking area from the total GSF.
For example, for a project consisting of a 150,000 sf office building with three parking types (open = 10,000, partially enclosed = 20,000, fully enclosed = 30,000), enter Office - Large as the first use type, with 150,000 sf, and then add Parking as the second use type with a square footage of 60,000. This will allow the parking to be reflected in the Baseline Energy Use calculation.