Click here to download the FAQs
1. Which browsers work best to access the AIA CES Dashboard?
Latest versions of Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Internet Explorer and Safari.
2. How can I reset my password?
If you’re not logged in to, click on “Login” in the header. In the pop up, click on the “Reset password” link.
3. Where can I access the AIA CES Provider Manual?
You may visit to access different AIA CES Provider related resources including the provider manual.
4. If I have technical difficulties with the AIA CES Dashboard, whom do I call?
You may email or call 1-800-242-3837, option 3.
Provider Organization Account Management
1. How can I update my provider organization’s address/phone information?
You may email or call 1-800-242-3837, option 3.
2. How can I change the point of contact for my provider organization(s)?
You may email or call 1-800-242-3837, option 3.
3. Is there a limit on the number of point of contact/user for my provider organization?
There is no limit on the number of provider users; however, you may only have one Primary Point of Contact and one Secondary Point of Contact.
Course Management
1. I am a point of contact/user for multiple provider organizations. How can I select which organization I’m viewing?
The “CE Provider” tab will default to one of your provider organizations. Click “Select a Different Provider Organization >” to select a different one. Then, click on “Manage My Courses” to view the courses of the organization in selection.
2. What is “Course Delivery Type”?
Course Delivery Type indicates how a course is offered. A course may be offered Live or On Demand. A Live course requires the presence of a live instructor and that the learners meet on a specific date and time either in-person or online (for example, in a webinar or streamed event). An On Demand course may be accessed by a learner any time via e-learning or print medium (for example, e-learning or an article in a magazine).
3. What does a “Draft” status of my course mean?
A course in “Draft” status means that the course has not been submitted to a CES Administrator's course review queue and the course content is fully-editable. Courses in “Draft” status may not be offered for AIA CE credit.
4. What is “Pre-requisite Knowledge” ?
This should define what knowledge the learners must have prior to taking the course. Basic-level courses should have no prerequisites.
5. What is “HSW Justification”?
This field is required to be completed if the Credit Type is “LU|HSW”. It should describe how the course content addresses Health, Safety, and Welfare topics for at least 75 percent of the content. This field is only seen by the course reviewers and should provide a short explanation of how the course addresses health, safety, and welfare. It should simply repeat the description or learning objectives.
6. What is a nano-learning course?
A nano-learning course is 15-45 minutes in length and covers one topic in depth. It may be delivered Live or On-Demand (On-demand E-learning only not On-Demand Print).
7. Is a nano-learning course accepted by state licensing board?
It may not be accepted by all licensing/registration boards. Members should check with their respective state board.
8. How do I submit a course?
The Course Management section of the user manual guides you through the process of submitting a course.
9. What does “Submitted/Pending Review” status mean?
A course in “Submitted/Pending Review” means that it is in the AIA CES reviewers’ queue and has yet to begin review. The course cannot be offered for AIA CE credit until it is reviewed and approved. The process may take up to 10 business days.
10. Can I make updates after I submitted my course for review?
Yes, but only if the course status has not been updated to "Under Review". On the “Course Status” tile of your course profile page, you may click on “Revert to Draft” to update. You may then click on “Submit for Review” to resubmit the updated course.
11. What does “Under Review” status mean?
A course in “Under Review” status means that it is currently being reviewed by AIA CES reviewers. The course cannot be offered for AIA CE credit until the review is complete and the course is approved. The review may take up to three business days.
12. What does “Approved” status mean?
A course in “Approved” status means that the AIA CES reviewers have approved the course to be eligible for AIA CE credit. You may begin to add session(s) to the course and may offer them for AIA CE credit only until the course expiration date.
13. What does “Requires More Information” status mean?
A course in “Requires More Information” status means that the AIA CES course reviewers have determined that the course requires more information before a final determination can be made. The course cannot be offered for AIA CE credit at this point. You may move the course to “Draft” status to make updates and resubmit for review
14. What does “Denied” status mean?
A course in “Denied” status means that the AIA CES reviewers have determined that the course does not meet the AIA CES standards for AIA CE credit.
15. What does “Retired” status mean?
A course in “Retired” status means that the course has either expired or been voluntarily retired. A retired course cannot be offered for AIA CE credit.
16. What does “Expired” status mean?
A course in “Expired” status means that the course has been active for the full course lifespan of three years after its original approval date and is no longer considered an active course. An expired course cannot be offered for AIA CE credit.
17. What does “Suspended” status of my course mean?
A course in “Suspended” status means that the course cannot be offered for AIA CES credit pending resolution of the issues that led to its suspension.
17. How long is my approved course eligible for AIA CE credit?
An approved course is eligible for AIA CE credit for three years from the date of approval. The course will then be moved to “Expired” status. Courses cannot be renewed.
18. Can I renew an approved course after three years?
The 2019 CES Policies do not allow that. You will need to submit a new course instead.
19. Whom do I contact when I have questions about my course status or course information?
You may email or call 1-800-242-3837, option 3.
20. Will I be notified after my course has been submitted for review?
An email notification will be sent to the point of contact/user who submitted the course.
21. Will I be notified after the AIA CES reviewers have begun reviewing my course.?
Email notification will not be sent. But it will be indicated on your course profile under “Course Status” tile.
22. How long do course reviews take?
Course review may take up to 10 business days.
23. Will I be notified of the review decision of my course?
An email notification will be sent to the individual who originally submitted the course.
24. How can a member look for my course?
Course catalog/directory for members is currently under construction.
25. How can a member register for my course?
Course registration is currently unavailable on the AIA CES Dashboard. However, you may provide an external registration link using the “Registration URL” field in “Session At a Glance” modal.
26. Can I delete my course?
Option to delete a course is currently unavailable.
Session Management
1. What is a session?
A session indicates an offering of a course.
2. How can I add a session?
The Session Management section of the user manual guides you through the process of adding a session.
3. Can I add a session before a course is approved?
No, sessions can be added only after a course is approved.
4. Do I have to create a session every time a course is offered?
Every offering of a course that is offered via “Live” delivery type must have an associated session. A course offered through “On-Demand” delivery type may only have one session.
5. What is “Session Delivery Type”?
Session Delivery Type indicates how a session is offered and it is based on the Course Delivery Type. A “Live” course may have sessions that are offered via “In-Person” or “Online” Session Delivery Type. An “On-Demand” course may have sessions that are offered via “E-Learning” or “Print” Delivery Type.
6. Can I delete my session?
Option to delete a session is currently unavailable.
Attendance Report
1. What is “attendance report”?
Attendance report is an action taken by the AIA CES provider to report an AIA member’s attendance to an AIA CES course. Reporting attendance for a member will automatically update the member’s transcript with the respective credits.
2. How do I report attendance?
The Attendance Management section of the user manual guides you through the process of reporting attendance.
3. Where can I access the bulk attendance template?
It is available under the Attendance Management section of the user manual: Attendance Detailed Guide: Option 2 - Bulk Attendance.
4. Can I report attendance for a course that is not yet approved?
Attendance may be reported only after a course is approved and a session is created.
5. Can I report attendance for a retired/expired/suspended course?
Yes, so long as the attendance is for a session or completion date prior to course retirement, expiration or suspension.
6. When should I report attendance?
You must report attendance for a session within 10 business days of learner course completion.
7. Can I report attendance more than once in the same calendar year for the same course?
No, but you may be able to report attendance more than once across different calendar years for the same course.
8. Can I delete attendance that I have reported?
Yes, but please note that deleting attendance will remove the respective entry from the member’s transcript. See the Deleting Attendance section of the Attendance Management: Detailed Guide.
9. Can I download the list of attendees for my course?
Download of attendee list is currently unavailable. But you can view the list of session attendees by clicking on “Manage and Report Attendance” link on the session profile.
10. When does a member’s transcript get updated?
It will be updated immediately after the provider reports attendance.
CES Provider Subscription Renewal
1. What is the cut off date to renew my CES Provider subscription?
You may renew starting on September 1 of the year prior to the AIA CES subscription term through August 31 of the subscription term. However, access to the CES Dashboard will be suspended 30 days after your current subscription expires.
1. Where do I run reports on my courses, sessions and attendance?
Ability to run reports on courses/sessions/attendance is currently under construction. However, on your course index you may filter your provider organization’s courses based on course status and submission date.