The DDx building use types are the same set used in the original AIA 2030 Commitment spreadsheet tool, with some exceptions. Zero Tool has its own set of use types that are based on the ENERGY STAR Target Finder use type set.
To enable the Baseline Zero Tool Calculation, which calculates the BASELINE EUI for the project, the use type set has been mapped to the Zero Tool use type set. The Zero Tool calculation is calculated through the Zero Tool web services API by selecting the Define Baseline "Zero Tool" option in section 3. By default, the BASELINE EUI is calculated using the minimum input requirements for the use types selected for the project in section 1. A more detailed BASELINE EUI calculation for the project can be done by selecting the "Optional Inputs" button, which displays the Zero Tool dialog box. The optional inputs for each of the use types associated with the project can be accessed by selecting the use type radio button.
Use Types Table
The table displays how the DDx building types (column 1) are mapped to the Zero Tool set (Column 2). When a use type is selected in the DDx, if the Zero Tool calculation is used, the calculation will use the corresponding Zero Tool Finder use type displayed in the second column.
AIA 2030 Commitment SET Use Types | Zero Tool SET Mapped to AIA 2030 Commitment Set |
Bank/Financial Institution | bankBranch |
Courthouse | Courthouse |
Data Center | DataCenter |
Education - College/University (campus-level) | CollegeUniversity |
Education – General | AdultEducation |
Education - K-12 School | K-12School |
Food Sales - Convenience Store (w/ or w/out gas station) | ConvenienceStoreWithGasStation |
Food Sales – General | WholesaleClubSupercenter |
Food Sales - Supermarket/Grocery | SupermarketGroceryStore |
Food Service - Fast Food | FastFoodRestaurant |
Food Service – General | FoodService |
Food Service - Restaurant/Cafeteria | Restaurant |
Health Care – Clinic | MedicalOffice |
Health Care - Hospital Inpatient | Hospital |
Health Care - Medical Office | MedicalOffice |
Health Care - Nursing/Assisted Living | SeniorCareCommunity |
Health Care - Outpatient – General | OutpatientRehabilitationPhysicalTherapy |
Laboratory - recommend use of Labs21 | Laboratory |
Lodging – General | otherLodgingResidential |
Lodging - Hotel/Motel | Hotel |
Lodging - Residence Hall/Dormitory | ResidenceHallDormitory |
Mixed-Use | Mixed Use |
Office - Small ( < 10,000 sf) | Office |
Office - Medium (< 100,000 sf) | Office |
Office – Large | Office |
Other | Other |
Parking | Parking |
Public Assembly - Entertainment/Culture | PerformingArts |
Public Assembly – General | otherPublicServices |
Public Assembly – Library | Library |
Public Assembly – Recreation | otherRecreation |
Public Assembly - Social/Meeting | socialMeetingHall |
Public Safety - Fire/Police Station | fireStation |
Public Safety – General | PoliceStation |
Religious Worship | WorshipFacility |
Residential - Mobile Homes | SingleFamilyHome |
Residential - Multi-Family, 2 to 4 units | MultifamilyHousing |
Residential - Multi-Family, 5 or more units | MultifamilyHousing |
Residential - Single-Family Attached | SingleFamilyHome |
Residential - Single-Family Detached | SingleFamilyHome |
Residential - Mid-Rise/HIgh-Rise | No Reasonable Target Finder match |
Retail – Mall | EnclosedMall |
Retail - Non-mall, Vehicle Dealerships, misc. | AutomobileDealership |
Retail Store | RetailStore |
Service (vehicle repair/service, postal service) | RepairServices(Vehicle,Shoe,Locksmith,etc.) |
Storage - Distribution/Shipping Center | Distribution Center |
Storage – General | No Reasonable Target Finder match |
Storage - Non-refrigerated warehouse | No Reasonable Target Finder match |
Storage - Refrigerated warehouse | No Reasonable Target Finder match |
Warehouse - Self-storage | No Reasonable Target Finder match |
Parking Use Type
Users can associate “parking” with a project that has another use type specified.
Parking has been implemented in the DDx in the same way as it is on ENERGY STAR Target Finder (Technical Reference: Parking and the ENERGY STAR Score in the United States and Canada), and the Zero Tool (Architecture 2030).
The parking use type includes three types of parking:
- Open parking
- Partially-enclosed parking
- Completely-enclosed parking
Excerpt Technical Reference: Parking and the ENERGY STAR Score in the United States and Canada: Energy use of a parking area may be composed of three main factors: energy required to provide adequate lighting, energy required for ventilation, and energy required for heating. The specific requirements for each of these components will depend on the type of parking (e.g., open parking lot, completely enclosed garage, partially enclosed garage) and the location of the structure (very cold vs. mild climate). For each type, general assumptions and calculations can be made based on standard engineering design and safety principles.
How the Parking Use Type is different
- It can be a secondary use type for a project. It cannot be the first use type listed.
- One or more of the three parking types can be associated with a project within the one parking use type.
- The area entered for the single parking use type should be the sum of the areas for the three parking types.
How to use the Parking Use Type
The following example provides step-by-step instructions for how parking can be used on a project.
EXAMPLE - Multiple Use Types
Project: 150,000 sf office building with (3) parking types (open = 10,000, partially-enclosed = 20,000, fully-enclosed = 30,000)
- Specify Use Types (Extended Project Info/Configure Use Types)
- Use Type 1 – Select “Office – Large” from the drop-down list of use types
- Use Type 1 Area – enter 150,000
- Select “+” icon to add a second use type
- Use Type 2 – Select “Parking”
- Use Type Area 2 – enter 60,000
- Baseline Energy Use: Zero Tool is the default Baseline Energy Use
- If the inputs for country, state, and zip code have been completed, the Baseline Energy Use is calculated initially using default values and displayed in Energy Baseline box (Zero Tool).
- Once the use types have been added, the Baseline Energy Use box will automatically update the baseline value, and all you have to do is save the info.