Sustainability Action Plan

Sustainability Action Plan

Creating a Sustainability Action Plan (SAP) is one of the key components to becoming a signatory firm to the 2030 Commitment. At its core, a SAP is a statement of a firm’s approach to sustainable design. It provides an opportunity to think through—strategically and methodically—how to translate sustainability values and aspirations into a comprehensive approach for transforming a firm’s practice and portfolio. The SAP should be developed and uploaded to the DDx within six months of signing on to the 2030 Commitment.

Specifically, the SAP serves as: 

  1. An actionable, firm-wide strategy for developing sustainable design best practices. 
  1. A measurement framework with a continual focus on evaluation, adaptation, and improvement. 
  1. A long-term planning tool to ensure ongoing alignment of values, goals, and practice. 
  1. An information-sharing platform that enables communicating firm values to clients and peers. 

Exploreexamplesof SAPs from other firms and refer toCreating a Sustainability Action Plan That Works for Your Firm(also available on the Company page) for more guidance on creating your firms unique SAP. 

Upload the SAP to the DDx on the Company Page

Once the SAP is complete, it can be uploaded to the DDx on the Company page by users with Administrator privileges; see Upload a Sustainability Action Plan for instructions on uploading.

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