2022 reporting

2022 reporting

Happy Reporting Season!  As we wrap up the 2022 tracking and begin to finalize our inputs for AIA 2030, check out this list of updates. In general, the interface looks and behaves the same as it did last year. A few tweaks were made to net versus gross EUI, tracking via fuel sources, and updates to the bulk upload spreadsheet!


DDx Updates:

  • Fuel Sources: the option to report by fuel sources has existed for a while, but now we're strongly encouraging that you record energy use by fuel source to facilitate future features related to operational carbon calculations and total carbon intensity calculations.

    • Fuel Sources, Renewable Energy:  When inputting fuel sources, renewables will not offset fossil fuel usage. Renewables will only offset electricity. For example, if a project uses natural gas for heating, an equivalent surplus of electricity generate by onsite solar panels will not offset the natural gas usage. This follows the methods of other national programs and is part of our shift to understanding total carbon in buildings.

  • Gross pEUI versus Net pEUI:

    • Gross: This is the pEUI as total annual site energy use intensity divided by total area without any contribution from onsite or dedicated offsite renewables.

    • Net: This is the pEUI as total annual site energy use intensity subtracting the contributions of renewable energy divided by total area. Net is typically the lower number as it takes into account the offsetting building demand with renewable energy.

  • Within the options of fuel source reporting there are two options for offsite renewables. Please be sure to allocate the types of renewables appropriately. 

    • Dedicated off-site renewables count equally to on-site renewables and are included in your net pEUI calculation. Dedicated off-site renewables include:



      1. Direct Ownership

      2. Green Retail Tariffs

      3. Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs)

      4. Community Renewables

      5. Utility Renewable Contracts

    2. All of these must incorporate bundled, retired Green-e certified RECs.



Bulk Upload:  Our bulk upload spreadsheet was also updated to align with the changes in DDx!

  • New color coded columns to assist in organization and alignment

  • Dates are hard coded in the spreadsheet now to prevent issues related to dates

  • There are now 2 columns for pEUI, gross and net.

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