2023 reporting

2023 reporting

Validation checks

There will now be alerts when inputting data in both the DDx interface and using the Bulk Import method. Validations include:

  • Square footage: Projects should not be smaller than 100 GSF or larger than 5,000,000 GSF

  • Fuel Sources: Projects are unable to have renewable sources without having a primary source

  • pLPD: There is a limit between 0 - 5.

  • pEUI: There is a warning for when project’s pEUI is more than double the size of the baseline

Energy modeling & embodied carbon tools

  1. If a project was energy modeled or includes embodied carbon data, users can no longer select simply “Other.” Instead, upon clicking “Other,” the system will prompt you with a text box to write in which tool was utilized. This is also reflected when selecting tools using the Bulk Import function.

  1. We’ve added and discontinued several energy modeling tools. Highlighted in green are new additions and highlighted in red are discontinued.

  1. CBECC (Title 24 Compliance Tool)

  2. CBECC-Res (Title 24 Compliance Tool)

  3. EPIC Tool

  4. EnergyGauge Summit - DOE -2.1E

  5. Energy Gauge Summit, DOE 2.2E

  6. TRACE 3D+

  1. 30 AEDG AEDG

  2. 50 AERG AEDG

  3. DOE - 2.2 GreenBuildingStudio

  1. We’ve included new embodied carbon tools as well.

    1. Tally LCA

    2. ECOM

    3. EPIC Tool

    4. Tally CAT

    5. cove.tool

    6. CARE Tool

New energy code

In response to a growing demand, we have now included the 2022 Commercial California Energy Code, Title 24 to the list of available energy codes.

Track Data: Fuel Source Section 

The fuel source section has a few new components, although the data entry process remains the same.  The new components added are to assist valid entry of fuel source values for the project, and to provide the net operational carbon breakdown for the project in addition to the net operational energy breakdown.   

When you select “yes” to open the fuel source section, in addition to the previous fuel source type selection and energy provided input fields, to the right you’ll see the “Net Predicted EUI”, “Baseline EUI”, “Net Operational Carbon”, and “Net Operational Carbon Intensity”.  As you select fuel source types and enter the energy provided values, these metrics will calculate real-time (with the exception of the Baseline EUI, which is provided for reference).

Previously the operational energy breakdown was displayed to the right of the fuel source type entry.  To make the calculation more accessible and comparable, it has been put beside the Net Operational Carbon breakdown.  Key components: 

  • Net Operational Energy (kBtu/yr) is on the left side, and Net Operational Carbon (kg CO2e/yr) is on the right side 

  • Columns:  Each has a column for “Fossil Fuels” and “Electricity” 

  • Rows:  Buildings, Purchased off-site renewables, Renewables (on-site & off-site dedicated) 

  • A row for sub-totals and totals are displayed to provide additional transparency for the calculations, and so that you can see the differences in the calculations for Net Operational Carbon in certain scenarios, such as when the avoided emissions of on-site renewables are greater than the value for building electricity.  In this case the electricity sub-total for net operational carbon is zero, because the avoided emissions accounted for can only go to the level of the building electricity emissions, and not above. 

Includes an additional table of three metrics for operational energy and operational carbon side by side.  Also, the eGrid region, which is determined by the project location, is used to define the emissions factors used in the Net Operational Carbon calculations.   

Operational emissions calculation 

There is now operational carbon values attached to projects created in 2023 and beyond.

The methodology for calculating GHG emissions in the AIA 2030 DDx is the same methodology that is used in Portfolio Manager.1  The methodology is based on the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard developed by the World Resources Institute (WRI) and World Business Council for Sustainable Development.2 

No additional inputs are required to be entered into the AIA 2030 DDx to calculate the project’s operational carbon.  The calculation methodology adapts to the level of detail for the project data entered. We have created a new Operational Carbon DDx Help Page for further information.

Research tab

·The RESEARCH tab can be accessed in two ways:

  1. Select "Research" from the navigation menu at the top 

You'll be taken to the Research screen, where you'll see a set of filters.  Make some selections, and then select the "Filter" button to see the graphs and the summary table for the two datasets (2030 DDx project set, Firm project set) that will be displayed below.

Default filter selection option - "Reporting Year = Most Recent [2022]", "Energy Modeled = YES" (would be inserted into a version of the description above)

Result:  You'll be taken to the Research screen, where you'll see a set of filters at the top, a box and whisker graph that includes one for the 2030 DDx project set, and one for the Firm project set, and a summary table that includes metrics for each project set.  By default, some filter selections have been made, so that you have a starting point to work with, but those selections can easily be changed and/or added to.  Default filter selections include:

  • Reporting Year = The most recent reporting year (2022 currently)

  • Energy Modeled = Yes.  So, only energy modeled projects are being displayed

  1. When you are on the Project screen, select "Compare" on the metrics summary.

When entering RESEARCH from a project (COMPARE), a set of filters related to that project have already been selected and applied for you, so that you can starting "comparing" right away or make filter adjustments from the predefined set. The predefined filters related to the project include:

  • Project Use Type

  • Project Spotlight (origin project selected)

  • Country

  • State

  • Climate Zone

  • Fuel Sources (if included)

Additionally, the new project spotlight function enables a way to see how a selected Firm Project compares to the firm project set distribution for the same set of filters. Users select one of their Firm's whole building projects to be “spotlighted” within the Firm project set on the graph.  The Net pEUI ranges for each design and measured energy phases for the project will be displayed on the firm set graph (note: the legend shows how the representations of the design phases and measured phases differ in appearance). 


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