Event Cancellations

Event Cancellations

This step-by-step guide will help guide registrants through the cancellation process to self-manage their event registration.

Please cancel one event at a time to avoid processing errors.

 Event Session Cancellations

To cancel a session:

Step 1: Access the My Event Registrations page.

Registrants can access the My Event Registrations page through two entry points:

Event Site - Cancellations link

Registrants can access the My Event Registrations page through the Cancellations link, located on the Cancellations page of the event site.

Event Site
  1. Go to the event site.

  2. Select the Cancellations page

  3. Click on the Cancellations link. A new browser tab will open onto the My Event Registrations page.

Note: If you are asked to login, please use your AIA account login credentials for MyAccount. This may automatically happen if you’ve already logged into http://aia.org recently.


AIA.org - MyAccount

Registrants can access the My Event Registrations page through MyAccount on the AIA website.

AIA website
  1. Go to www.aia.org

  2. Click Login, or complete the steps to create your AIA account

  3. From the My Account drop-down, click My profile

  4. Then "Click here" to proceed to land into my account page

  5. Click "Manage Edit" the red tile on the right to edit personal/professional info

  6. Select My Event Registrations option from the left-side taskbar


Step 2: Select sessions to cancel

On the My Event Registrations page, select the session(s) to cancel from the drop-down list.

Note: Only cancel from one event at a time to avoid processing errors.

  1. Click on the drop-down for the event you wish to update. This view allows you to see all sessions and the event registration ticket.

  2. Select Cancel Session for the session(s) you wish to remove from your event registration.


Step 3: Review selected session(s)

Once you have added the sessions to be cancelled, review the selected sessions in the cart for accuracy.

  1. Find the cart in the top right-hand corner.

  2. Review the session names and prices.

    1. For selected sessions that should be added back to the event, select Remove from Cart beside the associated session.

    2. To clear all sessions from the cart, select Clear Cart below the cart listings.


Step 4: Confirm Cancellation(s)

After review, confirm the selected sessions to be cancelled on the Confirm Cancellation popup.

  1. Below the cart, click the Cancel Registrations button. The Confirm Cancellation popup will display with a table of the session details including, Session Name, Event Name, Date/Time and Price.

  2. Review the selected session(s) in the table.

    1. Select Continue to cancel the selected sessions, or

    2. Select Close to go back to update the selection.


Step 5: Verify details

The Cancellation Success popup will confirm the cancellation process and display the email to check for confirmation details.

  1. Once you have confirmed your cancellation, check the listed email address for confirmation details.

  2. Registrants will receive different communications for priced and non-priced sessions.


Priced Sessions

If the transaction involves a priced session ($0+), the Delete Session Refund Request and updated Attendee Sessions Confirmation will be sent to the registrant.


Non-Priced Sessions

If the transaction only involves free sessions ($0), the Delete Session Request and updated Attendee Sessions Confirmation will be sent to the registrant.



Event Registration Cancellations

To cancel an event registration:

Step 1: Access the My Event Registrations page.

Registrants can access the My Event Registrations page through two entry-points:

Event Site - Cancellations link

Registrants can access the My Event Registrations page through the Cancellations link, located on the Cancellations page of the event site.

  1. Go to the event site

  2. Select the Cancellations page

  3. Click on the Cancellations link. A new browser tab will open onto the My Event Registrations page.

Note: If you are asked to login, please use your AIA account login credentials for MyAccount. This may automatically happen if you’ve already logged into http://aia.org recently.


http://AIA.org - MyAccount

Registrants can access the My Event Registrations page through MyAccount on the AIA website.

  1. Go to www.aia.org

  2. Click Login, or complete the steps to create your AIA account

  3. From the My Account drop-down, click My profile

  4. Then "Click here" to proceed to land into my account page

  5. Click "Manage Edit" the red tile on the right to edit personal/professional info

  6. Select My Event Registrations option from the left-side taskbar

Step 2: Select the event registration to cancel

On the My Event Registrations page, select the event registration to cancel from the drop-down list.

  1. Click on the drop-down for the event you wish to cancel. This view allows you to see all sessions and the event registration ticket.

  2. Select Cancel Registration for the event ticket located at the top of the list.


Step 3: Review selected event registration

Once you have added the event registration to be cancelled, review the selected event ticket in the cart for accuracy.

  1. Find the cart in the top right-hand corner.

  2. Review the event registration and price.

    1. If the event registration should not be cancelled, select Remove from Cart beside the associated event ticket or select Clear Cart below the cart listing.


Step 4: Confirm Cancellation(s)

After review, confirm the selected event registration to be cancelled on the Confirm Cancellation popup.

  1. Click the Cancel Registrations button below the cart. The Confirm Cancellation popup will display the event registration details including the ticket type listed as the Session Name, Event Name, Date/Time and Price.

  2. Review the event registration in the table.

    1. Select Continue to cancel the selected event registration.

    2. Select Close to go back to the update the selection.



Step 5: Verify details

The Cancellation Success popup will confirm the cancellation process and display the email to check for confirmation details.

  1. Once you have confirmed your cancellation, check the listed email address for confirmation details.

  2. Registrants will receive a short message that confirms the event cancellation. An additional communication will be sent by the Events team to confirm the financial updates.


For any questions or concerns, please email register@aia.org.

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