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How to run an ACH report

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When a member joins/renews their membership with AIA, they are actually purchasing 2 or 3 products: National membership, state/local membership. AIA takes in money through a common membership online application and must distribute this money back to the components.  The Automatic Clearing House (ACH) distribution process is how this is done.

The report that you download will be a .csv file.  It will include the following columns:

  • Distribution date: the date that the money was scheduled to be released by the bank.  Actual deposit date may vary depending on your own bank but generally are within a day or two of this distribution date.
  • Distribution batch: the internal batch number that AIA uses to track our distributions and which receipts are in those distributions. Most chapters don't use this for any business purpose.
  • Contact: the member that the receipt is associated with
  • Member number: the members AIA number
  • Activation: the date that the membership is activated on. This is the easiest way to tell if this is a current year renewal or a next year renewal. Next year renewals will have a 1/1/XXXX dates, current year renewals will be mid-year of the current year dates.
  • Item: the membership type that was purchased. Remember that emeritus is not a membership type but a status, however, if an additional emeritus only product was purchased (like a magazine subscription) that will appear in this column.
  • Receipt type: Either a payment or a refund
  • Subscription type: Tells you if this was a payment-in-full or part of an installment plan
  • Price rule: Explains any special pricing that the customer received (ex: newly licensed, new grad, etc.), DEFAULT means they paid full price.
  • Sale price: the amount charged for the item  (!!! note that payments and refunds are both postive amounts !!!)

Refunds and payments

Fonteva records the amount of a receipt as a positive number–both payments and refunds

Make sure you adjust any refund receipts to negative amounts if you are going to be using SUM formulas in your analysis.

Step-by-step guide for downloading an ACH transaction report

  1. Login to the chapter portal and select the chapter you want to do business as
  2. Go to the Finance tab
  3. You have two options:
    A) You can directly download a .CSV file for a specific distribtuion batch by clicking on the distribution batch number shown in the table. 
    B) You can create a custom report for a specific date range. To do this, select "Create report for a date range" below the ACH Distribution table.
  4. Input the date range for the receipts you want to report on (use the date picker on the right side)
  5. Select download report to view this information in a .csv file

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