CES Session Management: Quick Guide

How to Add a Session

Step 1 - Course Sessions Tile

To add a session:

  1. Select the Add a Session button on the Course Sessions Tile

  2. The Related Course and Session Code will auto-populate

  3. Enter Session Delivery Type

  4. Enter the Date and Time

  5. Click Save 

Step 2 - Session Profile Page

To access the Session Profile Page from the Course Sessions tile:

  1. Click on View beside the session you would like to see
    a. Click on Add a Session
    b. Click Save on Session Name modal


To access the Session Profile Page from the Session Index:

  1. Click on View under the Actions column

Step 3 - Session at a Glance Tile

To update the Session at a Glance Tile:

  1. Click Edit on the Session at a Glance Tile

  2. Ensure the session Description is accurate (Description will auto-populate from Course Description, but can be updated according to the session content)

  3. Select the Session Access to be Private or Public

  4. Select the Session Delivery Type (options will vary depending on the course delivery type)

  5. Enter the Date and Time of the session (utilize the calendar to make the Dates and enter the time following the format: HH:MM AM/PM)

  6. Enter the Session Capacity

  7. Enter any Session Instructions, if applicable 

  8. Enter Price, if applicable

  9. Enter the Session Contact, if applicable

  10. Click Save

How to Delete a Session

Delete Session Tile

To delete a session (with no reported attendance):

  1. Click on Delete Session Tile.

  2. Click "Yes" in the pop-up modal to confirm the session deletion. 

Session Header Tile

Reflects the Session Name and Session Code.

Manage and Report Attendance Tile

To enable the Manage and Report Attendance Tile, you must:

  • Enter the session end date that is on or before the current date, when the session is that of a live course delivery type, or

  • The course delivery type must be On-Demand

For steps to report attendance, please See Attendance Management: Quick Guide>Option 1

Session Index

To access the Session Index, from the :

  1. From the Course Sessions Tile, click on View All Sessions