Add Renewable Energy Data

Add Renewable Energy Data

Achieving carbon neutrality requires integrating renewable energy into the project. Because of this, the DDx has incorporated tracking of both on-site renewables, like photovoltaics, and off-site renewables, like Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs). 

Renewable energy data can be added by selecting Yes in the renewable energy sources tile. You may select any combination of onsite renewable options (photovoltaic, solar thermal, and/or wind turbine). 

Off-site renewables can also be tracked. There are Yes/No toggles for “Do off-site renewables provide additionality?” and “Are off-site renewables located within the same energy grid?”, and dropdown menus for renewable purchase time in years and off-site renewable energy type. While a project can have several on-site renewable energy strategies, only one off-site renewable energy type can be selected.

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