FAQ for Components

FAQ for Components

How can I get access to Fonteva?

New Component staff will need to sign the User Agreement and attend training to obtain access to Fonteva. Step-by-step instructions are available on the Training page.

How do I access Fonteva?

Go to https://chapter.aia.org and login using the same credentials you use for Component Connect. If you get an error, try to reset your password using the “forgot password” on the login screen, or email digitalsupport@aia.org (include a screenshot of the error message and steps you were taking to access the Chapter Portal site) for assistance.

You will also find a step-by-step on the Fonteva wiki page: How do I access my chapter portal?

How will I edit member data?

At this time, some fields on a Contact record are editable by Component staff through the Chapter Portal. If you are unable to edit a field on a Contact record which needs to be changed, email MemberSupport@aia.org for assistance. If you receive an error message after editing a Contact record, send the error message and steps you were taking to edit the record to DigitalSupport@aia.org. 

What reports can I access?

A large number of reports are available on the Chapter Portal site. All reports export to Excel so you have flexibility in viewing results after exporting by creating pivot tables or sorting by specific columns.

You will also find a full report list on the Fonteva wiki page: What reports are available for components

What if I need help?

You can search through the How-To articles on the Wiki for assistance. If you cannot find the answer you are looking for or need more details on a process, you can request assistance through Digital Support by sending an email to DigitalSupport@aia.org. 

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