Add Projects Through Direct Input

Add Projects Through Direct Input

Individual projects can be added directly to the DDx. After logging into your account, you can access the Manage Projects tile from the main Portfolio page (below) or through the Company page. For both pages, scroll down to the Manage Projects tile and select the green Create Project button. 

Portfolio page view:

Step 1

Fill out the basic information on the first page, including project name, project number, construction type, country, city, climate zone, project status, project type, office location, state, zip code, and units of measurement. Note that for US projects, the climate zone will be automatically generated based on the zip code. See Choose a Climate Zone for more details on international projects.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk. Once all fields are completed, the Save and Continue button will turn green and can be selected to move to the next page.

Step 2

Once on the Extended Project Information page, you will enter information into the fields (estimated occupancy year, energy code used, daily average occupants, estimated building costs, estimated sitework costs and total estimated construction costs). You may also select Save and Complete Later on the top right to come back later.

Scroll down to Configure Your Use Type & Establish Your Baseline and select the “+” button on the right to add the appropriate use type and area. (See Select Use Types for more information on how the DDx use types correspond to Zero Tool.) As you add use type(s) and associated area(s), both the Baseline and 2030 Target will auto-populate. The Baseline is based on the Zero Tool and the 2030 Target is based on a given year’s 2030 Commitment reduction targets. For 2020-2024, the reduction target is 80 percent from the baseline. You may also set a custom baseline; see Set a Project Baseline (Residential and Non-Residential for more.

Custom baselines can be entered in the fields circled below. 

Step 3

After saving the extended project information, use types, and baseline, you will advance to the next page to set up the 2030 Project Target. Users may either select the default target set by the DDx, or enter a custom target. The selected option will turn green once clicked.

Scrolling down, you will see a box plot that shows pLPD percent savings data on all projects reported through the 2030 Commitment matching your selected use types and climate zones. Hovering over the box will show additional information on sample size and quartile benchmarks. Both use type and climate zone filters can be adjusted to view different sets of project performances. Once you have reviewed this data, you can select Save and View Project.

Once the project is created, you will be able to edit any project information from the project dashboard, along with tracking design data, adding collaborators, or adding project notes. More details on adding collaborators and the specific inputs for design data can be found in the relevant articles in the Managing Projects section.

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