Understanding the Research tab

Understanding the Research tab

The Research tab is back! Use this function to analyze your firm’s data by comparing projects or look at your portfolio’s data against the full DDx project base.


How to access RESEARCH?

Route 1:

  1. Select "Research" from the navigation menu at the top

  2. You'll be taken to the Research screen, where you'll see a several filters. Make some selections, and then select the "Filter" button to see the graphs and the summary table for the two datasets (2030 DDx project set, Firm project set) that will be displayed below.

     Note: The default filter selection option - "Reporting Year = Most Recent [2022]", "Energy Modeled = YES" (would be inserted into a version of the description above)

    Result:  You'll be taken to the Research screen, where you'll see a set of filters at the top, a box and whisker graph that includes one for the 2030 DDx project set, and one for the Firm project set, and a summary table that includes metrics for each project set.  By default, some filter selections have been made, so that you have a starting point to work with, but those selections can easily be changed and/or added to.  Default filter selections include:

    ·       Reporting Year = The most recent reporting year (2022 currently)

    ·       Energy Modeled = Yes.  So, only energy modeled projects are being displayed

Route 2:

  • When you are on the Project screen, select "Compare" on the metrics summary.

  • Result: When entering RESEARCH from a project (COMPARE), a set of filters related to that project have already been selected and applied for you, so that you can starting "comparing" right away or make filter adjustments from the predefined set.    The predefined filters related to the project include:

    • Project Use Type

    • Project Spotlight (origin project selected)

    • Country

    • State

    • Climate Zone

    • Fuel Sources (if included)

How do I change filters applied to the graph and table?

Make some additional filter selections, such as a project use type, a couple of climate zones, and a minimum and maximum area to establish a range.  Next, select the "Filter" button and the graph and summary table will be updated to display the resulting project datasets for the 2030 DDx project set and the Firm project set.

What data are the graphs and table based on?

  • The 2030 DDx project set is generated from the projects included in the reporting years.  It does not include projects for the current reporting year for the Firm and/or any other firms.  This way, if Firm A and Firm B select the same set of filters on RESEARCH, when they select the "Filter" button, both firms will see the same results for the 2030 DDx (graph and summary table). 

Note:  The projects in the current reporting year will be included once the year's reporting cycle has been completed. 

  • The Firm Set is generated from the Firm's current reporting year projects, as well as projects from previous reporting years, if those years are included in the "Reporting Years" filter selection.  For example, if Firm A had (20) projects in the DDx for the current reporting year, and (5) of those projects where a project use type of "Office-Medium", if the Firm selects the filters "Reporting Year = 2022", "Project Use Type = Office-Medium", then the Firm project set would be comprised of:

    • 2022 - Firm's Office Medium projects

    • Current Reporting Year - the (5) Office Medium projects

 What does the box and whisker graph show?

  • A box and whisker graph actually displays a lot of data in a compact form.  The set of metrics associated include:

    • Minimum Net pEUI for the project set

    • 25th quartile Net pEUI for the project set

    • 50th quartile Net pEUI for the project set

    • 75th quartile Net pEUI for the project set

    • Maximum Net pEUI for the project set 

  • The colored bar spanning between the 25th & 75th quartile, provides a visual indication of the range of Net pEUI for most of the projects in the project set.

  • Some of the type of questions that can be answered by the graphs for 2030 DDx & Firm Set project set, and the project spotlight:

    • How is the selected project performing compared to the Firm project set?

    • How is the selected project performing compared to the 2030 DDx project set?

    • How are the selected project's measured energy phases performing compared to the design phase Net pEUI values?

    • How is the firm project set performing compared to the 2030 DDx project set?

    • How are the firm's project set performing compared to the goal of net zero?

What does the summary table show?

The table provides a summary of the filtered project set results for both the 2030 DDx and Firm Set.  The metrics displayed include:

  • Project count - the total number of projects in the filtered project set.

  • Total area – [units = GSF] the total area for all the projects in the resulting project set.

  • Net pEUI (GSF weighted) - [units = kbtu/sf/yr] the area for each project is divided by the total area of the project set, which determines a "GSF weighted factor" for each project.  The "GSF weighted factor" is then multiplied by the Net pEUI for the project.  The result for each project is then added together to determine the "Net pEUI (weighted for GSF)".

  • % Net pEUI reduction (GSF weighted - [units = %]  the area for each project is divided by the total area of the project set, which determines a "GSF weighted factor" for each project.  The "GSF weighted factor" is then multiplied by the % Net pEUI Reduction for the project.  The result for each project is then added together to determine the "% Net pEUI reduction (weighted for GSF)."

  • Net Operational Carbon Intensity (GSF weighted) - [units = kg CO2e/m2/yr] the operational carbon intensity for the project, which is based on the net operational energy and the total area.  The metric is in meter squared, so that it aligns with industry standard units and can be compared and combined with the embodied carbon intensity, which assumes a life for the building, so that the yearly intensity can be calculated.

Note:  If the project count for the 2030 DDx project set is equal to 10 or less than 10 projects, the results will not be displayed, either on the graph or the table.

What is project spotlight?

A way to see how a selected Firm Project compares to the firm project set distribution for the same set of filters.  Project Spotlight allows you to select one of your Firm's whole building projects to be “spotlighted” within the Firm project set on the graph.  The Net pEUI ranges for each design and measured energy phases for the project will be displayed on the firm set graph  (note: the legend shows how the representations of the design phases and measured phases differ in appearance).

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