Understanding the operational carbon function
There is now operational carbon values attached to U.S. based projects created in 2023 and beyond. These values can be found on the top right of your project’s green summary box.
The methodology for calculating GHG emissions in the AIA 2030 DDx is the same methodology that is used in Portfolio Manager.1 The methodology is based on the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard developed by the World Resources Institute (WRI) and World Business Council for Sustainable Development.2 This protocol was developed as the accounting framework to provide a relevant, complete, consistent and transparent account of an organization’s GHG emissions. As the global standard, it serves as the basis for the accounting, inventory and reporting guidance provided by the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Center for Corporate Climate Leadership, as well as state and non-governmental organization registry, reporting, and recognition programs.
No additional inputs are required to be entered into the AIA 2030 DDx to calculate the project’s operational carbon. The calculation methodology adapts to the level of detail for the project data entered. Examples include:
Why aren’t I see operational carbon values on my non-U.S. based projects?
Unfortunately, at this time, the DDx is only able to calculate operational carbon emissions for U.S.-based projects.
Why are the operational carbon values different for ‘Grid Electricity’ and ‘Electricity from on-site renewables’? Shouldn’t they be the same?
Scenario: I’ve entered similar fuel source kWh values for ‘Grid electricity’ and ‘Electricity from on-site renewables”, but when I look at the Net Operational Carbon table, particularly the electricity column, the operational carbon value for the renewables is significantly higher? Shouldn’t they be the same?
Short answer: No. They each have different emissions factors, and the avoided emissions from on-site renewables will make that value higher.
One way to think about why there is a difference, is to think about where the kWh of electricity being used by the project is coming from:
If it is from the grid (“Grid Electricity), then it has ‘losses’ associated with it, which includes generation, transmission, and distribution losses. The ‘cleanliness of the grid’ establishes the CO2e Emissions (kg/MBtu) associated with that eGrid region.
If it is from on-site renewables, then it has fewer ‘losses’ associated with it, and it means that kWh doesn’ t need to be delivered to the project by the grid. This results in a higher CO2e Emissions (kg/Mbtu) factor for the project, but in this case it is a value for “Avoided Emissions”.
Things to keep in mind:
Projects can have a negative Net predicted EUI (Energy positive, where on-site and/or dedicated renewables are larger than building energy), but have the Net Operational Carbon value be zero or greater than zero.