New test payment gateway

The first thing to change is the Payment Gateway, we need to create a new test payment gateway to avoid sending real transactions.

  1. Go to the "AIA" business group.
  2. Go to the related section and create a new Payment Gateway.
  3. Name the new Payment Gateway "test gateway SANDBOXNAME", in the business group field select AIA, then click on "Connect to a Test Gateway".
  5. Go to the AIA business group and ensure the new payment gateway is the default payment gateway.
  6. Go to the "AIA Store" store and ensure that the associated payment gateway is the one we just created.
  7. Go to the related section on the store, and ensure that all the payment methods have the new payment gateway associated.
  8. Try to pay for a sales order using the card "4111 1111 1111 1111" and any date in the future as the expire date.