

This section will cover basic project management through the DDx, including understanding the Portfolio personal dashboard and Top Performers tile, and the basic project management functions such as editing and deleting projects. Details on how to add projects are covered in the sections on adding via direct input, bulk import, and energy modeling software

When logging into the DDx, you will be directed to the Portfolio screen. From here, you can manage projects you have created and projects to which you are contributing. The page includes tiles on top-performing projects, account information, and project management.  

Top Performers shows your top five projects sorted from highest Predicted Energy Use Intensity (pEUI) savings to lowest. 

Manage Projects Tile

Accessible from the Portfolio page or the Company page, the Manage Projects tile offers an array of project management options designed to streamline and simplify the user experience.  From the Portfolio page, you will see projects you have created or been added to as a collaborator, while the tile on the Company page shows every project created by a member of your company. On both pages, the Manage Projects tile has options for:

  • Creating projects
  • Exporting projects
  • Searching for projects
  • Sorting projects
  • Editing projects
  • Adding collaborators
  • Adding design data
  • Marking projects complete
  • Deleting projects

Creating projects, adding design data, adding collaborators, and marking projects complete are covered in more detail in their respective how-to articles, while the other options are explained below. 

Columns shown in the Manage Projects tile can be customized. In addition to the Name and Action columns, which are static, you can choose to show as many different columns as you would like by clicking on the Columns button below the search bar and selecting additional fields.


Projects may be exported to a CSV or Excel file by clicking Export All and selecting either “all design phases” or “most recently reported only”, and desired units (IP or SI).

Projects can be searched by name, number, city, state, postal code, or climate zone.


Clicking the funnel icon by the name column will expand a menu of filters to sort projects by project type, project status, construction type, and office location. You can also click on column headers to sort A-Z or Z-A.


To edit a project, select the three dots on the far-right side of its row in the project tile, then click Edit Project to go to the project set-up flow, where you can edit any project information.


To delete a project, select the three dots on the far-right side of its row in the project tile, then click Delete Project to remove it from the DDx. You will be prompted to confirm that you want to permanently delete the project. 

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