Add Energy Modeling and Fuel Source Data

Add Energy Modeling and Fuel Source Data

Energy modeling is essential to meeting the 2030 Commitment energy reduction targets.

From the Track Design Data page, select Yes in the Predicted Energy Use tile for “Has energy modeling been done for this design phase?” This will open drop-down menus to select an optional data energy modeled, an energy modeling tool (required), an energy modeling party (required) and an optional field for energy modeling cost for this phase. 

Scroll down to input fuel sources data. If selecting No for “Do you have energy demand by fuel source?”, you will enter the predicted EUI before being able to save and continue. 

If selecting yes, fields for energy source, energy provided, and units will appear. Click the “+” to add a fuel source. Selecting the energy source from the dropdown menu will automatically populate the correct units, and energy provided can then be entered. Additional fuel sources can be added by clicking the “+”. A formula will generate the project's calculated Net pEUI. Click here for the formulas the DDx uses to calculate this.

Within the options of fuel source reporting there are three options for offsite renewables. Please be sure to allocate the types of renewables appropriately. 

“Electricity from dedicated off-site renewables count equally to on-site renewables for calculating your Net pEUI and are included in your net pEUI calculation. Dedicated off-site renewables include: 

  1. Direct Ownership 
  1. Green Retail Tariffs 
  1. Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) 
  1. Community Renewables 
  1. Utility Renewable Contracts 

All of these must incorporate bundled, retired Green-e certified RECs. 

Purchased off-site renewables:

Unbundled RECs do not count towards offsite renewable contributions and are not included in your net pEUI calculation.

For expanded definitions please reference IECC 2021 Appendix CC Zero Energy Commercial Building Provisions CC103.3 Off-site renewable energy.

You may then save and continue, or enter additional design data. (See the articles on Add Renewable Energy Data, Add Embodied Carbon Data, and Add Additional Inputs for more.)

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