pEUI formulas
There are three ways to report fuel sources on the Track Design Data page.
1. Entering the Gross pEUI or/and Net pEUI data
1.1. Only reporting Gross pEUI
Gross pEUI = Data entered by the user.
Net pEUi = Gross pEUI
1.2. Only reporting Net pEUI
If Net pEUI > 0 then Gross pEUI = Net pEUI
If Net pEUI <= 0 then Gross pEUI = 0
1.3. Reporting Gross and Net pEUI
Gross pEUI = Data entered by the user.
Net pEUi = Data entered by the user.
2. Adding fuel sources
2.1. Without fossil fuels
Gross pEUI = Grid Electricity / Project Area
Net pEUI = (Grid Electricity - Renewable Fuel Sources) / Project Area
Renewable Fuel Sources = Electricity from dedicated off-site renewables + Electricity from on-site renewables
2.2. With fossil fuels
Gross pEUI = (Grid Electricity + fossilFuel )/ Project Area
Net pEUI = ((Grid Electricity + Fossil Fuel) - ( On and Off-Site Renewable Fuel Sources) ) / Project Area
Fossil Fuel = Other fossil fuel sources + District + Gas
Observation: Even though electricity from purchased off-site renewables is reported, it will not be taken in account for the calculations of Net and Gross pEUI.
Note: Units for Gross and Net pEUI displayed depend on the project settings.
You can find more information on the Net Operational Carbon value here.