Wiki for Staff

Wiki for Staff

Wiki for National Staff

Support and training materials for Fonteva specific for National staff with Salesforce logins.

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Getting started

New to Fonteva?  A great place to start is by visiting the AIA staff documentation page where you'll learn about the basics of working in Fonteva.

Fonteva also provides it's customers with these additional learning resources:

Fonteva users group

Are you a power user or do you just want to be in-the-know?  Join the Fonteva Users Group on Teams for access to:

Need more help?

Still can't find what you're looking for? Send us an email at digitalsupport@aia.org and we will get back to you soon.

Release blog

Welcome to the August edition of the Fonteva User Component monthly update. August is National Peach Month so if you are heading to the CACE Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia (the “Peach State”), make sure to grab some peaches! What’s new? The Membership Call for Dues season has opened via the Chapter Portal! When you log in, take note of the new tab https://app.screencast.com/a3Gpbg8LhwgLx. Important dates: Report 2024 dues by August 31, 2023 (or no later than September 15, 2023).…
Welcome to the July edition of the Fonteva User Component monthly update. It’s not your imagination the June edition got caught up in the A’23 San Fran wind and never landed.    Did you know?  We can now merge Fonteva duplicate records. Requests should be sent to membersupport@aia.org mailto:membersupport@aia.org.   My Account received an overhaul. The interface is now better organized, easier to navigate and includes increased self-service options. When logging into aia.org http://aia.org,…
Welcome to the May edition of the Fonteva User Component monthly update. May the Fourth be with you!  New resources and tools! Firm Detail Report: List of accounts/firms tied to your active members; including Principal and Staff role and firm size.  Previous issues are now resolved, and testing is underway as we speak. We plan to deploy this report within the next few weeks after successful testing.…

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