How do I look up a member's information

Data privacy

The Contact record contains the majority of the fields which contain Personally Identifiable Information (PII) for a member. PII is confidential information and should only be shared with leadership and staff that have a business need to know the specific information. NEVER share a data file or specific information with someone outside of component staff or leadership. NEVER look up members outside of your component unless specifically asked to look up by the member (i.e. - member of another component wants to attend a members-only event your component is sponsoring).

Step-by-step guide

  1. Login to the Chapter Portal.
  2. The global search box will be located in the top banner of the Chapter Portal site and available anywhere throughout the Chapter Portal.
  3. In the Search bar, type keywords to find the Contact or Account record. Try to be as specific as possible to narrow down the results.
    1. NOTE #1: The search function uses "and" so if you enter "Joseph Smith", the search will look for all records with "Joseph" (or Joe or Jo) AND "Smith".
    2. TIP #1: If there could be many records in the results, try narrowing down the results by using the state they live in.
    3. TIP #2: If you have the AIA Number of the member, you can use it in the search bar.
    4. TIP #3: You can use the email address of a member to narrow down the results.
    5. TIP #4: If you know a member is Active, Lapsed or Terminated, you can add it to the keyword search to narrow down the results.
  4. A list of search results will be displayed. Click on the correct contact record​.
    1. NOTE #1: The results list shows the top five results. If there are more than five results, there will be a "View More" link displayed to the right of the list. Clicking on the "View More" link will display the top 50 results. If there are more than 50 results, there will be a View More button at the bottom of the list.
    2. NOTE #2: You can use the right click on the Contact or Account name and select to open in a new tab or window.
  5. The contact record will be displayed. There are two tabs of information: Details and Related. Scroll through the tabs to locate the information you need.

Note:  You cannot download the contact information from the contact record. Download the Active Member Roster or the Full Member Roster.