Steps to Change an Email on the Contact Record Through Email Change Request

A member may need to change their email address due to changing employers or wanting to receive email correspondence from their Work email to their Personal email (or vice versa).

Step-by-step guide

 Component staff can submit an 'Email Change Request' through the member's Contact record in the Chapter Portal following the steps below.

  1. Select the member's Contact record through search on the Universal Search, selecting the hyperlink to the Contact record from report result.
  2. From the Contact record, select 'Email Change Request' button at the top right corner of the Contact record (first screenshot).
  3. Popup will display with fields available for editing (second screen).
    1. Change Preferred Email Type to Personal or Work (if needed).
    2. Update or add email in Personal or Work fields.
  4. After making updates and changes, select Save.
  5. An email will be sent to the member to confirm the change.
    1. The member must confirm within 24 hours for the change to be completed.
    2. If email is sent to a work address, the email may get sent to Junk/Other folder. Ask member to check with IT team to allow the email to be delivered.