Adding New Leaders in the Chapter Portal Site

Adding New Leaders in the Chapter Portal Site

Adding New Leaders in the Chapter Portal site

  1. Login to the Chapter Portal site (https://chapter.aia.org) using your website credentials.

  2. Go to My Chapters tab.

  3. Select your Community Group (Component).

  4. Select the “Chapter Info” tab.

  5. Scroll down to the “Leadership” section.

  6. Select “New”.

  7. In popup, add Contact, Role, Position Title, Term Start Date and Term End Date. Select Save.

    1. NOTE on CONTACT: there are a lot of duplicate Contact records and same name Contact records in the database.

      1. The easiest way to find the member’s correct Contact record is to use their AIA Number to search for the Contact. You can find this number on the “Active Member Roster” report.

      2. You can use the First and Last Name of the member to search but make sure you are selecting the correct Contact record before saving the record. If you find you have added the incorrect Contact record, reach out to your Component Engagement resource for assistance as you cannot delete or edit a record after adding.

    2. NOTE on ROLE: The Role field is a dropdown list. You must choose one of the available fields to complete the process. Roles and coordinating positions are listed below.

      1. “Chair” typically refers to the leader or “President” of the Board.

      2. “Chair-Elect” typically refers to next year’s leader or “President-Elect” of the Board.

      3. “Other” typically refers to a Board leader in a position outside of President or President-Elect such as “Secretary”, “Treasurer”, or “Director”. A Board may have other positions which fall under the “Other” category.

      4. “Staff” is for some Components who have a Staff Member servicing on the Board.

    3. NOTE on POSITION TITLE: The Position field is a text field to allow you to enter the title you use to designate a leader for a particular position.

    4. NOTE on TERM DATES: While only the Term Start Date is required, we suggest adding a Term End Date for all Roles except Staff.

  8. If you need to have a record edited or deleted, please reach out to your Component Engagement POC. The list is below.

State components and U.S. territories
2500 or more members - Jen Schlueter - JenSchlueter@aia.org
1000-2499 members - Amy Richards - AmyRichards@aia.org
Less than 1000 members - Ann Dorough - AnnDorough@aia.org

Staffed local domestic components
1000 or more members - Amy Richards - AmyRichards@aia.org
Less than 1000 members - Ann Dorough - AnnDorough@aia.org

All-volunteer domestic components
Ruben Ramales - RubenRamales@aia.org

International components
Jen Schlueter - JenSchlueter@aia.org

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