When Do I Edit a Contact Record?

Data Privacy

The Contact record contains the majority of the fields which contain Personally Identifiable Information (PII) for a member. PII is confidential information and should only be shared with leadership and staff that have a business need to know the specific information. NEVER share a data file or specific information with someone outside of component staff or leadership. NEVER look up members outside of your component unless specifically asked to look up by the member (i.e. - member of another component wants to attend a members-only event your component is sponsoring).

The Chapter Portal has functionality to allow for Component Staff to edit a Contact record if a Member requests a change. Most fields you are viewing are editable by the Member through the My Account page (landing page after logging in to www.aia.org) and you can direct the member to this page to update their own Contact record. If a member needs an update completed right away and does not have access to make the change on their own, they can request the Component to make the change on their behalf. To make the change, follow the directions below.

To Find a Contact Record From Global Search bar:

  • Enter keywords to find your member.
    • Examples of keywords include: first name and last name, AIA Number, Email Address.
  • After locating member from result list, select the name.
    • The Contact name is hyperlinked to the member's record. You can left-click to open in same tab or right-click and open in new tab/window.

To Find a Contact Record From Results in a Report:

  • Scroll or search for member in the list of results.
  • Select the name of the member from the result list.
    • The Contact name is hyperlinked to the member's record. You can left-click to open in same tab or right-click and open in new tab/window.

To Edit the Contact Record:

  • At the top right of the Contact record is an "Edit" button. Once the "Edit" button is selected, the page will refresh to show fields editable by a Component staff member.
    • NOTE: The Name fields (Prefix, First Name, Last Name, Suffix) appear to be editable but are not editable. Upon Save, an error message will display to let you know the changes cannot be completed. Send updates to the Name fields to MemberSupport@aia.org. 
    • NOTE: If a field is editable, it will show an edit pencil icon. You can select this icon to open up editing for all available fields.
  • Scroll to the field(s) a Member has requested you to change on their behalf and make updates as requested.
  • Once complete, select Save.