How do I run a new member roster

How do I run a new member roster

NOTE: The New Member Roster report is not currently available but will be soon.

A new membership roster can help you identify your newest members so you can welcome them appropriately and update any other communication or membership data files you need so you always have the most complete member list.  Fonteva has a quick New Member report that is accessible on the Membership Tab of the chapter portal. 

Data privacy

The Member Roster is our most extensive report on member data. The majority of the fields on the roster constitute Personally Identifiable Information (PII) for our membership.  PII is confidential information and should only be shared with leadership and staff that have a business need to know the specific information in a report.  Please edit reports and remove the columns of data that are not needed for a business purpose before you share any data file.  NEVER share a data file with someone outside of component staff or leadership.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Login to the chapter portal and select the chapter you want to do business as

  2. You will be taken to the Membership tab (the default tab for a chapter's portal page). Scroll down to the section titled 'More Reports' under the pie charts to see the list of available membership reports. Select the New Members report.

  3. Then select the date range for which you want to search for the member's join date and a .csv file will be automatically downloaded to your computer.

Report columns

The New Member report has more than 50 columns of information. A separate wiki page, "Report Columns - What do the different columns mean?" is available for what the specific columns mean and any business rules associated with them.

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