How to see a list of Lapsed members

There are four membership statuses: Active, Lapsed, Terminated, and Not a member.  The first three are statuses that a member or a former member may have. The last is reserved for contacts that have never been members.

  • Active: is currently a member or in the 90 day grace period after a membership expires.  Contacts in this status still receive member benefits and can renew for the current or upcoming year.
  • Lapsed: is a member who has not renewed for the current year. They do not receive benefits. They are able to renew for the current year in order to regain access to member benefits.
  • Terminated: is a former member who never renewed for the current year and at the end of that year was changed from a laspted member to a terminated member.  They can not renew and are only able to re-join AIA in order to regain access to member benefits.

There are times when you may want to see a list of Lapsed members so that you do outreach to them, urging them to renew their membership. 

Step-by-step guide

  1. Go to the Membrership page on the Chapter Portal
  2. Select Lapsed Members to download a .CSV file of Lapsed members for your chapter 

Who is on this list?

Anyone who has an official assignment area that is the same as your chapter AND who has a status of Lapsed.

Columns included on the report

  • AIA Number
  • Full name
  • Badge name (preferred name)
  • Salutation
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Suffix
  • AIA Designation
  • Other credentials
  • Account
  • Account role
  • Job Title
  • Job role
  • Career type
  • Preferred phone
  • Do not contact by phone (y/n)
  • Preferred Email
  • Do not contact by email (y/n)
  • Preferred address
  • Preferred city
  • Preferred state
  • Preferred postal code
  • Preferred country
  • Preferred Address Type
  • Do not  contact by post (y/n)
  • Member type
  • State Member Assignment
  • Local Member Assignment
  • Section Member Assignment
  • Emeritus (y/n)
  • Fellow (y/n)
  • Related articles