Report Columns - What do the different columns mean?

Report Columns - What do the different columns mean?

A list of column headings, description, and field options in the results lists of most Membership reports are listed below.  Field names that are left blank are self-explanatory.

The list is in alphabetical order.

The list is provided to provide a better understanding of the information available in the report.

Column headingDescriptionOptions
Ability notesDetails of Diverse Ability  open text field to enter details for member's diverse ability
AccountCompany or firm name
Account Name (org)Lookup field added to remove "Person" accounts in report resultsSalesforce requires all Contact records (individuals) be connected to an Account record (company). If no Account name is entered in the Account field, Salesforce will create an Account using First Name and Last Name and adding "Person" at the end of the name. The lookup field removes Accounts ending in "Person" because these are placeholder records,  not a "real" Company name.
Account RoleMember's role at their company/firmStaff, Principal/Owner
AIA NumberMember number
Badge NameNickname/Preferred name member wants to use
Birth date

Career TypeBusiness type of Account (Organization)Non-profit, For-profit, Education, Government, Retired, None Selected


DesignationAIA designationAIA, Assoc. AIA, Intl. Associate AIA, AIA Member Emeritus, FAIA Member Emeritus, Associate AIA Emeritus, FAIA
Diverse abilityMember self-identifies their diverse abilityHard of hearing, visual, mobility, blind
Do not contactMember has requested not to be contacted by any means.False = Do not contact, True = Okay to contact
Do not contact by emailMember has requested not to be emailed.False = Do not contact, True = Okay to contact
Do not contact by phoneMember has requested not to be contacted by phone.False = Do not contact, True = Okay to contact
Do not contact by postMember has requested not to be contacted by mail.False = Do not contact, True = Okay to contact
EmeritusCheck box on member record in Fonteva

False = Not Emeritus
True = Has Emeritus status

Ethnicity self identifyText field for members to add their ethnicity
FellowCheck box on member record in FontevaFalse = Not a Fellow
True = Is a member of the College of Fellows
First Name

GenderMember self-identifies their genderFemale, Male, Prefer not to say, none selected
Gender self identifyOpen field for member to self identify
Interest areasActive Knowledge Community listAcad. of Architecture for Health, Acad. of Architecture for Justice, Academic, Building Performance, Committee on Architecture for Ed., Committee on Design, Committee on the Environment, Construction Contract Admin., Corp. Architects & Facility Mgmt., Custom Residential Arch. Network, Design for Aging, Historic Resources Committee, Housing and Community Development, Interfaith Design, Interior Arch. Knowledge Comm., Practice Mgmt. Knowledge Comm., Project Delivery Knowledge Comm., Public Architects Committee, Regional and Urban Design, Retail and Entertainment, Small Firm Exchange, Small Projects, Tech. in Architectural Practice, Young architects
Job Function
Project management, Executive, Design/planning, Educator, Specifications, None Selected
Job Title

Last Name

Last Reinstate Date
If a member has been terminated and rejoined more than once, the Last Reinstate Date will show the latest Reinstate Date. The field is overwritten at each reinstatement.
LGBTQAIMember self-identifies they are a member of this community (new field in Fonteva)False = Member has not checked this box
True = Member has checked this box and has identified as a member of this community
Licensure status
Licensed, Not pursuing licensure, On track to licensure
Local AssignmentLocal component assigned at membership using zip code.
Member statusStatus of membershipActive, Lapsed, Terminated
Member typeAIA member type: Architect, Associate, Fellow, Allied, International Associate
Membership expire dateDate when the current membership subscription ends.
Middle Name

Original joined dateThe date when member originally joined the AIA.
Other CredentialsNon-AIA credentials
Phone Number

Postal Code

Preferred address
Work, Personal
Preferred Address Type
Work, Personal
Preferred Email
Work, Personal
Primary Race Ethnicity
Hispanic/Latino,Caucasian, Black or African American, Indigenous American, Asian, Arabic/MENA, Other Race/Ethnicity, Prefer not to say, None Selected
SalutationPrefixDr., Miss, Mrs., Ms., Mr.
Section AssignmentSection Component assigned at membership using zip code.

State AssignmentState component assigned at membership using zip code.
III, IV, Jr.

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