Configuring pages for your event

Configuring pages for your event

On the top of the event site, tabs will be displayed for the pages you add during the event set-up process. Example: Agenda, Venue, Speakers.

Pages are populated dynamically and can include both standard and custom components.

Step-by-step guide

  1. After logging in and selecting your event from the Events drop down menu, click Pages on the left navigation in Event Builder.
  2. Verify Status = Active from the Pages drop down.
  3. Click the + New Page
  4. Enter Navigation Label and Browser Label.
  5. Check Is Published.
  6. Click Save in the upper right-side corner of Event Builder (note: Components cannot be added to new pages until you have Saved).
  7. Click the Action menu (represented by “…”) next to the new page.
  8. Select Manage Components.
  9. From the left-side menu, select the component you want to add to the page and click Add.
  10. Add additional components to the page, as needed.
  11. Click the up or down arrows to position the component on the page.
  12. Click Save & Close.

More help

Additional documentation on setting up pages can be found on the Fonteva Users Guide.

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