Create/manage ticket inventory

This article explains how to create and manage (edit) ticket inventory for an event.  A ticket must be created before setting the inventory of available tickets.  The Event will need to be in edit mode, on the Ticket page.  Refer to the articles  Creating ticket types and Editing an event ticket to access the Ticket page.

Step-by-step guide

With the ticket page displayed in edit mode for the event the following steps will be used to create and manage (edit) ticket inventory.

1.   Click/select Manage Inventory to open the to open the Manage Inventory window.

2.   Click/select in the box for available quantity for the ticket.

3.   Enter the number of tickets available.

4.  If there are multiple tickets, repeat steps 2 and 3.  All ticket quantities must be entered before saving.  Tickets can not be saved with a zero quantity.

5.  Click/select Save to save the ticket quantities and exit.

6.  Click/select Cancel or X to exit without saving.

Ticket Capacity

Ticket Capacity can be viewed on the Event Information page.  

Scroll down the Event Information page to display the Capacity information for the event.  This will be the maximum number of tickets (total of all tickets) available for the event.

Ticket Management

If you have not selected the Auto Sell out option (on the Event Info page under Event Details), the ticket sales will need to be monitored.  Once the Tickets Sold number equals the Ticket Capacity, the Sold Out check box will need to be clicked/selected on the Event Info page.  As monitoring the tickets sold will be difficult to track, the Auto Sell Out option should always be selected.