Creating sponsor packages

Creating sponsor packages

Sponsor Packages are the items sold to Event Sponsors. These packages can be configured directly from Event Builder and can be advertised in the All Sponsors component on the Sponsors page.

Step-by-step guide

How to Configure Sponsor Packages in Event Builder:

1.  In the Event Builder, from the left-side navigation, Select the Sponsor Packages tab.

2.   Enable Sponsor Sales by clicking/selecting the check box next to Enable Sponsor Sales.  When checked, sponsor packages are allowed for the event.

3.  Click/select Save button in the upper right of the page (event builder).  This is a Critical Step, as a sponsor package can not be created until this step is completed.  This step saves the enable sponsor sales for the event, allowing the event to have sponsor sales.  Once this step is done, a sponsor package can be created for the event.


If the down arrow next to Save is selected, a dropdown with the option Save & Exit will display.  If  Save & Exit is selected from the dropdown, the changes to enable sponsors sales will be saved and you will exit Event Builder. 

4.  Click/select + Add New Sponsor Package to create a sponsor package.

5.  Click/select  Is Active to have the sponsor package appear in the portal.  Click/select the check box to activate the package. 

6.  Enter Sponsor Package Name by clicking/selection the box and entering the Name

7.  Enter Sponsor Package Price by clicking/selecting the box and entering the price.  This is a required field and must be entered (red asterisk * indicates a required field).

8.  Enter Quantity Available for the number available for the package.  Click/select in the box and enter the number.  This is an optional field and is not required.  It can remain blank.

9.   Enter Sponsor Package Description by clicking/selecting in the box and entering a description.  This description will appear on the portal.  This is an optional field and is not required.

10.  An image for can be entered to display on the portal.  The recommended image size is 100px x 100px.  To enter and image, paste a URL or select Browse to select a file to upload.

11.   Click/select Save & Continue to save the sponsor package and return to the Sponsor Packages page.

12.  To exit without saving the sponsor package, Click/select Cancel or the X in the upper right of the Create Sponsor Package window.

Need to Attach a Form?

There may be additional information needed from the sponsor when upon purchasing the package.  To gather this information a form can be attached to the packages

You do not have a valid <a href="https://apps.appf.re/me/mp/cloud?hosting=cloud&tab=overview">MultiExcerpt</a> app license.&nbsp; Please sign up for a free trial or purchase a license through the <a href="https://apps.appf.re/me/mp/cloud?hosting=cloud&tab=overview">Atlassian Marketplace</a>.

Although the Sponsor Package Name and Description will appear in the "All Sponsors" component of the event, the item itself will not display as Sponsorships are typically processed from the staff-view. If you would like to display the items on the event for purchase, it can be added to a Catalog on a Campaign Page with the URL linked to the Sponsor Package Description.

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