Editing a sponsor or creating a featured sponsor

This article will explain how to edit sponsor and how to create a featured sponsor for the event.

You will need to have your event open in edit mode.  You can refer to Editing an existing event, if needed.

Step-by-step guide

To view and edit the sponsor details of Sponsor Name, Description, Image URL, Sponsor Hyperlink, and to indicate the sponsor is a Featured sponsor for the event the following steps will need to be completed.

1.  With the Event open in edit mode, scroll the left Navigation to display Sponsor Packages.  Click/select Sponsor Packages on the left navigation.  This will open the Sponsor Packages page.

2. Click/select the Sponsor section (tab) to open the Sponsor page.

3.  Click/select the pencil icon to the right of the Sponsor to edit.

4.  With the Edit Sponsor edit/update the fields.  Use the scroll bar on the right of the window to scroll to all fields.

Featured Sponsor

To indicate the Sponsor is a Featured sponsor, click in the check box Is Featured.  Sponsors marked as Featured will display on the Featured Sponsors component.


If the sponsor is a Featured Sponsor, a URL is required for the Sponsor to appear in the All Sponsors or Featured Sponsors components in the Lightning Event.

The Is Feature field is accessible through the Sponsor tab on the Sponsor Packages page.  The Is Feature field will be indicated by editing the Sponsor.

5.  Click/select Save & Continue to save changes and return to the Sponsor Page.

6.  To exit without saving changes, click/select Cancel or the X in the upper right of the window.

Note: Sponsor records are automatically created for any Account purchasing a Sponsor Package. If the Sponsor record does not already exist, staff users can create these manually from the Sponsors related list on the Event Record.


An Image URL is required for the Sponsor to appear in the All Sponsors or Featured Sponsors components in the Lightning Event.

The Sponsor Hyperlink field must be entered if the Sponsor's logo is to be clickable.  A URL is entered in the Sponsor Hyperlink field, then an individual will navigate to this URL when the Sponsor logo is clicked.  The Sponsor Hyperlink field is accessible by editing the Sponsor by accessing the Sponsor through the Sponsor tab on the Sponsor Packages page

Editing the Sponsor Account, Contact, and package

To edit the Account, Contact and package for a sponsor, this is done from the Event Record page

 1  On the event record page for the event, click/select Related.

2.  Scroll down to Sponsors and click/select the down arrow to the right of the sponsor to display the edit option.

3.  Click/select Edit to open the edit sponsor window

4.  With the Edit Sponsor window open, edit/update the fields. Scroll through the page to access all the fields (Description and Image URL).

5.  Click/select Save to save changes and return to the Event Record page.

6.  To exit without saving changes, click/select Cancel or the X in the upper right of the window


The sponsor Contact, Account and Sponsor package is updated form the Event Record Page and can not be updated on the from the Sponsor tab on the Sponsor Packages page.

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