How to input yearly price rules

How to input yearly price rules

The items (dues products) for membership are specific to each chapter and come in 5 varieties:

  • Architect
  • Associate
  • International Associate
  • Allied (not currently used other than for the National Chapter)
  • Honorary

While the items all formally have a price, the price is always overwritten by a "Price Rule."  Those price rules must be updated yearsly to accomodate the new dues rates and any promotional or incentive programs that a member may be elligible for.

Download Template

2021 Partial Price Rules Builder v2.0.xls

The 2021 Price Rule builder currently has the rules from 2020 as most of these rules will have minimal changes. 

Step-by-step guide

  1. Use the template file above. 
  2. The tabs that need to be updated are the Partial Items Export and the scenarios.  The sheets are color coded.  Yellow Columns are input columns, Green Columns are formula columns, white columns should not need updating.
  3. The tabs that need to be updated are the Partial Items Export and the scenarios.  The sheets are color coded.  Yellow Columns are input columns, Green Columns are formula columns, white columns should not need updating.

  4. The Partial Items Export is the sheet that has item prices. There should be an architect, associate, international associate, allied, and honorary product for each chapter/component or section.  Currently, not all Item numbers have been assigned. White columns are the conditions and discount values that generally should not need updating.

  5. Scenario Sheets have the rules from 2020.  If only the price has change for the component the existing rule will pull in the 2021 price rule and no other changes are needed to the rule. 

  6. The input columns for these sheets are Component Code, Related Primary Product, for Newly Licensed Scenarios Related Secondary Product, and Discount Percentage or Dollars.

  7. The Sheets for New Grad, Newly Licensed, and Emeritus will need no changes to the discount values.  These are standard and will automatically update using the updated price.   If you need to add a component to these scenarios the easiest method is to copy a row and update the component code with the new component and product if needed.

  8. The Join, Government, Educator, and Reinstate sheets will need the discount values to be updated as needed.

  9. When complete, the sheet can be uploaded into Fonteva for the upcoming membership year.