Using forms to collect more registration information

Forms can be used during the registration process for such things as dietary requirements or special accommodations.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Access the App Launcher and search for Forms.
  2. Select Forms and click the New button.
  3. You can also create a new form by editing the Ticket Type and clicking the Form tab, Create New Form.
  4. From the New Form page, in the Information section next to the Form Name field, type the desired Form name.
  5. In the Information section next to the User Instructions field, enter instructions for the user.
  6. In the Display Style picklist, select the Display Style for the Form. 
    Note: There are three options; Standard, Wizard, Accordion.
  7. In the Submit Style section, in the Submit Style picklist, select the Submit Style.
    Note: There are two options; URL or Javascript. 
  8. In the Submit Value text box, enter a URL Location or Javascript to execute of Form Submission depending on what Submit Style you selected.
    Note: The default value is listed as None, this will return a blank form after clicking Submit on the Form.  For URL Submit Style, URL entered will open after the form is completed. For Javascript Submit Style, the Javascript entered will display in a pop-up message. i.e. Javascript = alert("Thank you for your submission!');
  9. Optionally, in the Internal Description section, in the Description text box, [Enter] a description for Staff Users. 
  10. Click Save.

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