Dues Installment Program Enrollment (DIP) Payment Decline Processing

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Process payment declines from memberships enrolled in the the Dues Installment Program.

  • Payments scheduled that are declined should be processed manually
  • Conduct outreach to member an obtain updated payment information, if applicable
  • Apply payment for the missed/declined payment

Step 1: Locate Contact record and current Sales Order for member enrolled in DIP with declined DIP payment


Select Sales Order (example from production site)

Step 2: Locate Scheduled Payments (records from test site are referenced from this point forward)

Step 3: Note the declined payment and return to Sales Order. 

Step 4: Select Apply Payment

Step 5:  Provide payment information for the declined installment

Select Payment Type from drop down

Confirm Payment Applied amount

Step 6: Select Apply Payment and provide payment information


Select Continue to Convert to Invoice

Step 7: Provide payment information and select Process Payment

Step 8: Review payment receipt lines

Step 9: Return to Sales Order and review payment information

Step 10: Select to review payment schedule to confirm remaining scheduled payments.