Dues Installment Program Enrollment (DIP) by Rapid Order Entry

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Manually enroll members in the Dues Installment Program using Rapid Order Entry Method

Can be used when Online Join, Online Renew, DIP is temporarily offline.  Do not Join or Renew using Join Button or Renew Button  


DIP Enrollment 

Step 1: Locate Contact record for renewing member

            or create a Contact for a new joining member and add a Membership Type before proceeding. 


Contacts should not be created in Fonteva right now in order to prevent log in and duplicate issues.  This is a temporary situation.  Universal Login is still integrated with netFORUM, but once it has been transitioned fully to Fonteva, we will update you on this process. 

Confirm Expire Date is correct if renewing a membership.  Be sure to note Membership Type.

Step 2: Select Rapid Order Entry from drop down list.

Step 3: Search for and add individual dues lines (national, state, local) by Membership Type using Item Quick add. 

e.g., Architect - National

       Architect - Washington, DC

Step 4: Select number of installments and Add to Order.

Click on down arrow on line item to view details.

Step 5:  Confirm installment details.

View all dues lines

Step 6: Add Installment plan administration fee by selecting check box under Optional Package Items.

            Can also select and and ArchiPac donation under Optional Package Items, as needed

Step 7: View total dues amount and total installment amount, including administration fee.

Step 8: Process payment.

Payment Processing

Step 9: View payment details and Apply Payment screen.

Step 10: Select Payment Type and then select Apply Payment.

Step 11: Add payment information:

              a. Card Holder Name

              b. Card Number

              c. Expiration month (using drop down)

              d. Expiration year (using drop down)

Check box to "save this payment method for future use" will be selected by default and needed for installment payments

Step 12: Select Process Payment.

Step 13: Payment confirmation details populated and receipt lines generated.

Step 14: Return to Contact and view Sales Order.

Step 15: Click on specific Sales Order # and view payment schedule details.

Step 16: Return to Contact and view and confirm Expire Date.