How to process a Member Contact as Deceased

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Step-by-step guide

  1. Locate member's contact record
  2. Verify in Demographics section that the Deceased checkbox is not selected and the Deceased Date is blank
  3. At top of contact record 
  4. Select drop down arrow on right side
  5. Select Deceased from the list
  6. A message box will appear asking if you are sure the member is deceased
  7. Select Next
  8. The screen will return to the contact record
  9. In the quick links check
    1. Membership: is Cancelled
    2. Badges: Active and Membership Type badges are remove
  10. In the Contact details check that Status is Terminated
  11. In the Demographics section check
    1. Deceased box is checked
    2. Deceased Date shows the date processed
  12. To change the date to the actual select the pencil by the Deceased date field to edit