How to Cancel a Membership

How to Cancel a Membership

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  1. Locate the member Contact record in Fonteva 
  2. Click on the Membership item in the Quick links, which opens the Subscription ID
  3. Verify that the Membership is Active
  4. Select Edit on the drop down on the right side of the Subscription ID
  5. A dialog box pops up to Edit Subscription
  6. Change Status to Cancelled
  7. Scroll down to access fields to select the reason for cancellation
  8. Using the drop down make a selection for Cancelled Reason
  9. Select Save at bottom of dialog box
  10. Return to Contact record
  11. Click on the Membership item in the Quick links, which opens the Subscription ID (reference steps 2 - 4)
  12. Verify that the Membership is Cancelled